Lung monitoring: Coronavirus (COVID-19), COPD, asthmaVoice Analysis··Jul 15, 2020Lung monitoring: Coronavirus (COVID-19), COPD, asthma
Voca: Leader in Voice AI Virtual Agents for Contact CentersVoice Analysis··Jul 15, 2020Voca: Leader in Voice AI Virtual Agents for Contact Centers
New COVID-19 screening and test app to help streamline safe return of workersConnected Health··Jul 15, 2020New COVID-19 screening and test app to help streamline safe return of workers
Where states reopened and cases spiked after the U.S. shutdownC-19··Jul 15, 2020Where states reopened and cases spiked after the U.S. shutdown
UnitedHealth, Microsoft launch COVID-19 screening app for employersConnected Health··Jul 15, 2020UnitedHealth, Microsoft launch COVID-19 screening app for employers
COVID-19 App for Employers | HIPAA CompliantHIPAA··Jul 15, 2020COVID-19 App for Employers | HIPAA Compliant
Can 'smell tests' screen for Covid-19? Here's what the research says.Protocols··Jul 15, 2020Can 'smell tests' screen for Covid-19? Here's what the research says.
Fever checks can't catch all Covid-19 cases. Smell tests might helpProtocols··Jul 15, 2020Fever checks can't catch all Covid-19 cases. Smell tests might help
Fever checks are flawed for flagging COVID-19. Are smell tests better?Protocols··Jul 15, 2020Fever checks are flawed for flagging COVID-19. Are smell tests better?
Aeguana - Touchless Vending Machine Technology - AeguanaC-19··Jul 14, 2020Aeguana - Touchless Vending Machine Technology - Aeguana
Foodee secures $13 million to weather COVID-19, fuel acquisition of US competitor ChewseC-19··Jul 14, 2020Foodee secures $13 million to weather COVID-19, fuel acquisition of US competitor Chewse
How This Behind-the-Scenes Consultant Shaped the Careers of Some of Today's Most Famous Artists | artnet NewsC-19··Jul 13, 2020How This Behind-the-Scenes Consultant Shaped the Careers of Some of Today's Most Famous Artists | artnet News
Infrared Thermometer: Measure body temperature from a distance - Times of IndiaC-19··Jul 13, 2020Infrared Thermometer: Measure body temperature from a distance - Times of India
Scenarios Beyond COVID-19: Rebound, Reboot, ReinventC-19··Jul 13, 2020Scenarios Beyond COVID-19: Rebound, Reboot, Reinvent
New COVID-19 tests emerge, but the race is in getting resultsProtocols··Jul 13, 2020New COVID-19 tests emerge, but the race is in getting results
COVID-19 Testing Now Available — Real DiagnosticsProtocols··Jul 13, 2020COVID-19 Testing Now Available — Real Diagnostics
Prepare Your Organization for Effective COVID-19 Response | BuoyPratique··Jul 13, 2020Prepare Your Organization for Effective COVID-19 Response | Buoy
vIRalert 2: Thermal Imaging Camera System | Human Body Temperature Measurement Device | AMETEK LandC-19··Jul 13, 2020vIRalert 2: Thermal Imaging Camera System | Human Body Temperature Measurement Device | AMETEK Land
Three-dimensional lift off: The Art Newspaper launches reviews of virtual artC-19··Jul 13, 2020Three-dimensional lift off: The Art Newspaper launches reviews of virtual art
384 x 288 IR Resolution Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera for Android Micro USB or USB-C Smartphone with 25 HZ, Hti-Xintai Thermal CameraConnected Health··Jul 13, 2020384 x 288 IR Resolution Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera for Android Micro USB or USB-C Smartphone with 25 HZ, Hti-Xintai Thermal Camera