Nvidia Inception highlights 4 AI startups for enterprise applications | VentureBeat
5 Invincible AI Startups – Hacker Noon
Chinese AI startup SenseTime dwarfs rivals with $4.5 billion valuation
Deep Learning and AI Startup Incubator | NVIDIA Inception Program
China Now Has the Most Valuable AI Startup in the World - Bloomberg
Virtual Reality Industry 2018 | Trello
Building AI Superclusters in Canada – Synced – Medium
2018 Startup Genome report dives deep into Canada's startup ecosystems | BetaKit
Hockeystick launches database tracking Canada's innovation economy | BetaKit
Canada’s AI Corridor is Maturing: The Canadian AI Ecosystem in 2018 — jfgagne
Canadian AI Ecosystem 2018 (English) — jfgagne
Global AI Talent Pool Report — jfgagne
MIT Ranks the World's 13 Smartest Artificial Intelligence Companies | Inc.com
Signalnoise :: The Work of James White - Work
Juvo Desktop Assistant - Syntropy
Invest in Bitcoin, Ether & Cryptocurrencies with Abra Digital Wallet App
Angela Griffin | LinkedIn
Pentagon says it will beat Tesla and Uber in self driving vehicle race
Practical Jokes in the Browser
Rana Kordahi on LinkedIn: "If you’re feeling hopeless about finding a job. Feeling that you can’t reach your sales targets. Wondering if you made the right decision to become an entrepreneur. Had someone tell you that you’re not good enough. Not smart enough. Not talented enough. Have been told 'NO' so many times that you have lost hope. Then this speech is for you. One man who believed in Les Brown changed his life. A random high school teacher Mr Washington. When Les told him that he was educable mentally retarded, Mr Washington told him, "Don’t ever say that again! Someone's opinion of y...
outrun - Google Search
Larry Kim on LinkedIn: "Billionaire Jack Ma's (CEO of Alibaba) to aspiring entrepreneurs of all ages: In your 20's: join a start-up. Find a great boss. Learn your passion and how to do a lot of things at once. Make mistakes and learn from them. In your 30's: just do it. Work for yourself. You can still afford to lose/fail. In your 40's: Double down on the areas and skills you’re good at. In your 50's: Work for younger people. They know this stuff better than you! In your 60's: make time for yourself! Are you following his blueprint?"
Dust lets you buy bitcoin with spare change with Monzo — Quartz
Lorenz Bogaert | LinkedIn
Automatically Invest Your Spare Change Into Cryptocurrency - Coinflashapp
Clean Up Your “Dust” on Binance – COIN PIXIE
Acorns - Invest Your Spare Change | Acorns
DROG - The resistance to disinformation
Bad News
Fake-news video game Bad News turned me into a monster - CNET