Alex Bainter – Medium

The Future of Generative Music
Nodal – Generative Music Software
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Center for the Study of the Public Domain | Duke University School of Law
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Neural Nets for Generating Music
Pablo Stanley – Medium
morevnaproject-org/papagayo-ng: Papagayo is a lip-syncing program designed to help you line up phonemes (mouth shapes) with the actual recorded sound of actors speaking. Papagayo makes it easy to lip sync animated characters by making the process very simple - just type in the words being spoken (or copy/paste them from the animation's script), then drag the words on top of the sound's waveform until they line up with the proper sounds.
BoThompson/pixeLips: An Aseprite Script Plugin to implement using Papagayo files to animate Lipsyncing
FCPX Audio Visualizer 2
How to Create Custom Animated Screensavers for the Mac -
iScreensaver : Code-signing, Notarization, Gatekeeper and Authenticode
iScreensaver : Make Screensavers for Windows and macOS
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GitHub - svg-sprite/svg-sprite: SVG sprites & stacks galore — A low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types along with suitable stylesheet resources (e.g. CSS, Sass, LESS, Stylus, etc.)
GIF vs Lottie vs Native SVG vs HTML Video vs APNG
Lottie online player with an animation demo example
SVG Customizer
SVG sprite generator online