

Thriving outside of Silicon Valley: 9 other digital health startup hubs to know. Although the real “birth” of the Silicon Valley mythos can be traced all the way back to the Palo Alto, Calif., garage where the founders of Hewlett Packard launched their company in 1939, global awareness of the tech-mecca exploded in the 1970s and has grown exponentially in decades since.
Thriving outside of Silicon Valley: 9 other digital health startup hubs to know. Although the real “birth” of the Silicon Valley mythos can be traced all the way back to the Palo Alto, Calif., garage where the founders of Hewlett Packard launched their company in 1939, global awareness of the tech-mecca exploded in the 1970s and has grown exponentially in decades since.
Thriving outside of Silicon Valley: 9 other digital health startup hubs to know. Although the real “birth” of the Silicon Valley mythos can be traced all the way back to the Palo Alto, Calif., garage where the founders of Hewlett Packard launched their company in 1939, global awareness of the tech-mecca exploded in the 1970s and has grown exponentially in decades since.