

Gold on Earth could be result of neutron star collision 4.6 billion years a
Gold on Earth could be result of neutron star collision 4.6 billion years a
If you enjoy a bit of bling in your life, you could have a billion year old cosmic event to thank for it. Scientists believe that the collision of two neutron stars 4.6 billion years ago could have been the source of some of Earth's heaviest elements, including gold and platinum.
Gold on Earth could be result of neutron star collision 4.6 billion years a
Breakthrough in bioprinting could enable 3D printing of replacement organs
Breakthrough in bioprinting could enable 3D printing of replacement organs
A technique for bioprinting tissues allows scientists to create vascular networks like those used in the body to transport blood, air, and other fluids, in a step towards 3D-printing of organs. The scientists also released a video showing a lung-like air sac which can feed nutrients to nearby tissue.
Breakthrough in bioprinting could enable 3D printing of replacement organs