

Survey: Americans’ perceptions of telehealth in the COVID-19 era
Survey: Americans’ perceptions of telehealth in the COVID-19 era
Nearly three-quarters of respondents said they’d consider using telehealth to be remotely screened for COVID-19, and two-thirds said the pandemic has increased their willingness to try virtual care, a Sykes survey found.
Survey: Americans’ perceptions of telehealth in the COVID-19 era
Open Health Network
Open Health Network
"Open Health Network Launches PatientSphere So Consumers Can Control and Monetize Their Medical Data
Open Health Network
4D Healthware
4D Healthware
Moving the mind of medicine
4D Healthware
Is Telemedicine Here to Stay?
Is Telemedicine Here to Stay?
The answer largely depends on whether Medicare and private health insurers will adequately cover virtual doctor visits once coronavirus outbreaks subside.
Is Telemedicine Here to Stay?
Is Telemedicine Here To Stay
Is Telemedicine Here To Stay
Many doctors and health care researchers feel that telemedicine may be here to stay after the COVID-19 pandemic fades. The practice which has grown tremendously this year is replacing many in-person visits and becoming a bigger part of healthcare. Telemedicine provides contact with doctors and nurses but fewer visits to the health facilities. Patients can use telemedicine more for routine check-ins or to seek medical opinions.
Is Telemedicine Here To Stay
Here’s how much space U.S. cities waste on parking
Here’s how much space U.S. cities waste on parking
In cities that are struggling to find space to build affordable housing, a simple solution might be found in the vast areas set aside for storing cars.
Here’s how much space U.S. cities waste on parking
Vokaturi emotion…
Vokaturi emotion…
The Vokaturi software reflects the state of the art in emotion recognition from the human voice.
Vokaturi emotion…
Home 2
Home 2
Home 2
AI Face Recognition Animation
AI Face Recognition Animation
Hello everyone!👋 I recently tried to create a graphic animation using Lottie. I designed a dynamic Hero Page, used AE to create an animation to output a json file, and then created a web page via lottie.You can check the effect on the web by visitthis link 🔗(https://seergb.com/demo/lottie-ai-face/). visit video demo 🔗(https://dribbble.com/shots/7001003-AI-Face-Recognition-Animation)
AI Face Recognition Animation
We are in this together | Algolia
We are in this together | Algolia
During this unsettling and uncharted time, the Algolia team wants all developers and businesses of any size to know that Algolia is here to help.
We are in this together | Algolia
Electronic Caregiver - Health Support System
Electronic Caregiver - Health Support System
When electronic caregiver was founded, we knew two things: one, there was an enormous market need for improved, technology based care and two, no one else in the industry had perfected health and safety monitoring. After 10 years of research and innovation, we are ranked as one of the top providers in the health and safety monitoring industry. We’ve saved thousands of lives over the past ten years. We are committed to providing a modern and unique health & wellness solutions to the active aging, chronically ill and everywhere in between.
Electronic Caregiver - Health Support System
Benford's Law | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki
Benford's Law | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki
Benford's law is an observation about the leading digits of the numbers found in real-world data sets. Intuitively, one might expect that the leading digits of these numbers would be uniformly distributed so that each of the digits from 1 to 9 is equally likely to appear. In fact, it is often the case that 1 occurs more frequently than 2, 2 more frequently than 3, and so on. This observation is a simplified version …
Benford's Law | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki
Emergent Ventures prize winners for coronavirus work - Marginal REVOLUTION
Emergent Ventures prize winners for coronavirus work - Marginal REVOLUTION
I am happy to announce the first cohort of Emergent Ventures prize winners for their work fighting the coronavirus.  Here is a repeat of the original prize announcement, and one week or so later I am delighted there are four strong winners, with likely some others on the way. Again, this part of Emergent Ventures …
Emergent Ventures prize winners for coronavirus work - Marginal REVOLUTION
$1 million plus in Emergent Ventures Prizes for coronavirus work - Marginal REVOLUTION
$1 million plus in Emergent Ventures Prizes for coronavirus work - Marginal REVOLUTION
I believe that we should be using prizes to help innovate and combat the coronavirus. When are prizes better than grants? The case for prizes is stronger when you don’t know who is likely to make the breakthrough, you value the final output more than the process, there is an urgency to solutions (talent development …
$1 million plus in Emergent Ventures Prizes for coronavirus work - Marginal REVOLUTION
Fast Grants
Fast Grants
Funding for scientists at academic institutions working on COVID-19 related projects.
Fast Grants
Emergent Ventures
Emergent Ventures
Emergent Ventures, a new fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center, seeks to support entrepreneurs with highly scalable, “zero to one” ideas for meaningfully improving society.
Emergent Ventures