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Managing Emotions in the Workplace: Do Positive and Negative Attitudes Drive Performance? - Knowledge@Wharton
Managing Emotions in the Workplace: Do Positive and Negative Attitudes Drive Performance? - Knowledge@Wharton
You know the type: coworkers who never have anything positive to say, whether at the weekly staff meeting or in the cafeteria line. They can suck the energy from a brainstorming session with a few choice comments. Their negativity can contaminate even good news. "We engage in emotional contagion," says Wharton management professor Sigal Barsade. "Emotions travel from person to person like a virus." Barsade is the co-author of a new paper that looks at the impact of employees' moods, emotions, and overall dispositions on job performance.
Managing Emotions in the Workplace: Do Positive and Negative Attitudes Drive Performance? - Knowledge@Wharton
Employee Mood Analytics: Don’t Just Measure the Symptom, Measure the Cause! - Leading with People Analytics
Employee Mood Analytics: Don’t Just Measure the Symptom, Measure the Cause! - Leading with People Analytics
In this post, I share my thoughts on the article, “Employee mood measurement trends” by Tom Haak, which amongst other things, describes three main means of measuring employee mood: traditional surveys, simple daily feedback tools, and passive data mining of employee online communications (emails, Slack, Yammer etc.). I share my assessment of each method. Furthermore, I discuss why passive communications mining is likely to generate data that is unrepresentative of employee mood. Instead, it is more suited for analyzing supervisor effectiveness, which is a leading indicator and arguably the most important determinant of employee mood (the symptom). Finally, I opine that analyzing supervisor effectiveness through communications data mining could be combined with traditional employee mood surveys to generate actionable insights to improve overall employee performance.
Employee Mood Analytics: Don’t Just Measure the Symptom, Measure the Cause! - Leading with People Analytics
Managing the Flow of Ideas in a Pandemic
Managing the Flow of Ideas in a Pandemic
Social distancing demands creative ways to sustain effective communication and decision-making.
Managing the Flow of Ideas in a Pandemic
Medic Bleep
Medic Bleep
Physicians, nurses and doctors can now quickly, securely and legally discuss patient care in a Information Governance compliant app.
Medic Bleep
How Artificial Intelligence Is Making The Shift From System To Ecosystem
How Artificial Intelligence Is Making The Shift From System To Ecosystem
When IBM first debuted its Watson system on the game show Jeopardy! in 2011, it was like something out of science fiction. Here was a computer that could not only understand spoken questions, but a…
How Artificial Intelligence Is Making The Shift From System To Ecosystem
Tools Online
Tools Online
Tools online for general use
Tools Online
Thermo Fisher Scientific's Support of COVID-19 Response Continues to Expand with U.S. Government Contract for Products Used in Sample Collection - May 18, 2020
Thermo Fisher Scientific's Support of COVID-19 Response Continues to Expand with U.S. Government Contract for Products Used in Sample Collection - May 18, 2020
Thermo Fisher Scientific's Support of COVID-19 Response Continues to Expand with U.S. Government Contract for Products Used in Sample Collection - May 18, 2020
Thermo Fisher Scientific's Support of COVID-19 Response Continues to Expand with U.S. Government Contract for Products Used in Sample Collection - May 18, 2020
UK Biobank
UK Biobank
Improving the Health of Future Generations
UK Biobank
PMA Clinical Studies
PMA Clinical Studies
PMA clinical studies information including: IDE, research conducted outside the U.S., safety and effectiveness, data analysis, and bioresearch monitoring.
PMA Clinical Studies
Home | Syapse
Home | Syapse
Syapse enables healthcare systems to implement precision medicine programs, streamlining operations and improving clinical outcomes.
Home | Syapse
Population genomics partners
Population genomics partners
Helix is a population genomics company with a mission to empower every person to improve their life through DNA.
Population genomics partners
Accelerating Precision Health by Applying the Lessons Learned from Direct-to-Consumer Genomics to Digital Health Technologies - National Academy of Medicine
Accelerating Precision Health by Applying the Lessons Learned from Direct-to-Consumer Genomics to Digital Health Technologies - National Academy of Medicine
Emerging Opportunities for Digital Health Digital health technologies have emerged in recent years, providing opportunities for engaging with consumers and integrating with the health care system to realize precision medicine, defined as “an evidence-based approach to the care of people and patients that uses innovative tools and data science to customize disease prevention, detection, […]
Accelerating Precision Health by Applying the Lessons Learned from Direct-to-Consumer Genomics to Digital Health Technologies - National Academy of Medicine
Whole Genome Sequencing
Whole Genome Sequencing
Whole Genome Sequencing - Science Exchange Lets You Compare Quotes From Over 70 Leading Service Providers.
Whole Genome Sequencing
Consumer Genomics Turning Point
Consumer Genomics Turning Point
The human genome has not only been cracked, but commoditized. From incomprehensibly impossible to prohibitively expensive to banally retail, the science...
Consumer Genomics Turning Point
Better care together | Honor
Better care together | Honor
We’re creating a better, more reliable care experience for families, caregivers, and local agency owners.
Better care together | Honor