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Ramp | Capabilities
Ramp | Capabilities
Smart corporate cards + expense management all-in-one. Issue unlimited cards with custom spend rules to automatically enforce your policies and keep merchants in check. Instantly reconcile with your accounting system to simplify month-end close. And get a straightforward 1.5% cash back.
Ramp | Capabilities
The 14 Features Any Ethical Covid-19 Contact Tracing Effort Should Incorporate
The 14 Features Any Ethical Covid-19 Contact Tracing Effort Should Incorporate
As Governments re-open their economies, they will be increasingly reliant on contact tracing apps. Lessons from Asia with these apps raise serious privacy concerns. Here are 14 essential features that any ethical contact tracing effort should be designed against.
The 14 Features Any Ethical Covid-19 Contact Tracing Effort Should Incorporate
Contact tracing for COVID-19: New considerations for its practical application | McKinsey
Contact tracing for COVID-19: New considerations for its practical application | McKinsey
As lockdowns lift, talk has turned to whether and how to track those infected with COVID-19, as well as those they might have had contact with prior to testing positive. Here’s how contact tracing works--and some of its benefits and limitations.
Contact tracing for COVID-19: New considerations for its practical application | McKinsey
First, do no harm - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing
First, do no harm - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing
It’s a common belief that all physicians swear to uphold the Hippocratic Oath and its critical dictum, “first, do no harm.” When really, it doesn’t include this promise — and many fledgling doctors do not take this oath (or any oath).
First, do no harm - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing
HHS Extends Compliance Dates for Information Blocking and Health IT Certification Requirements in 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule |
HHS Extends Compliance Dates for Information Blocking and Health IT Certification Requirements in 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule |
Responding to public health threats posed by the coronavirus pandemic, today the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) released an
HHS Extends Compliance Dates for Information Blocking and Health IT Certification Requirements in 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule |
NOVID Community Demo
NOVID Community Demo
Stop the Spread of COVID-19.
NOVID Community Demo
Stop the Spread of COVID-19.
Prenetics COVID-19 test gives accurate results in 30 minutes
Prenetics COVID-19 test gives accurate results in 30 minutes
The Prenetics test, based on research from Oxford University, uses technology that amplifies genetic material from the virus and allows it to be detected quickly, according to the company.
Prenetics COVID-19 test gives accurate results in 30 minutes
Executive Summary: Tracking Telehealth Changes State-by-State in Response to COVID-19 - Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Executive Summary: Tracking Telehealth Changes State-by-State in Response to COVID-19 - Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
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Executive Summary: Tracking Telehealth Changes State-by-State in Response to COVID-19 - Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Interferons and viruses induce a novel truncated ACE2 isoform and not the full-length SARS-CoV-2 receptor | Nature Genetics
Interferons and viruses induce a novel truncated ACE2 isoform and not the full-length SARS-CoV-2 receptor | Nature Genetics
dACE2 is a newly identified isoform of ACE2 that is unable to bind the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Truncated dACE2, but not full-length ACE2, is induced by interferons and viruses, thus suggesting that such conditions are unlikely to increase cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2.
Interferons and viruses induce a novel truncated ACE2 isoform and not the full-length SARS-CoV-2 receptor | Nature Genetics