Hospital in Canada battles coronavirus with ‘revolutionary’ app
Jewish General Hospital in Montreal is battling the coronavirus outbreak with what has been described as a “revolutionary” app that can monitor peoples’ vital signs when they look on their smartpho…
What is the purpose of testing for COVID-19? - Coronavirus: the science exp
COVID-19 tests detect either the coronavirus itself or antibodies made as part of the immune response to it. The virus test detects active infection and works best during the first seven days of symptoms. The antibody test detects past infection and works best from around ten days after the start of symptoms. Virus testing is used mainly for diagnosis of COVID-19. Antibody testing is used mainly for surveys of the extent of COVID-19 spread in the population.
“In 1972, Edward Lorenz gave a presentation titled: "Predictability: Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?" The term "butterfly effect" was born. Lorenz, who was...
The invention of an instant COVID-19 breathalyser could have enormous implications for air travel, with borders able to be re-opened and passengers mandatorily tested before flying
These 5 charts show our shifting behaviour around coronavirus
The threat of COVID-19 has of course changed habits, such as washing hands and avoiding crowds. But to what extent, and for how long? And how have people in different countries responded differently? A new survey finds out.
Coronavirus’ business impact: 3D Mapping and Modeling Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2019 – 2030
When Museums Reopen, Will Their Form and Function Have Changed?
The urgent need to step back from physical exhibition spaces has given rise to a host of digital environments that offer a new way of experiencing art.