US Patent Application for Fortune Cookies With Promotional Messages Patent Application (Application #20170323322 issued November 9, 2017) - Justia Patents Search
A fortune cookie includes a cookie and printed messages that promote the theme of the restaurant providing the fortune cookie and that provide promotional material that enhances customer loyalty (and enhanced business for the restaurant) through promotional advertising, giveaways, and the like. For example, a fortune cookie with a Southern country theme is formed from cornbread, shortbread, red velvet, pecan pie, or other American Southern or country-style flavor and includes messages on one side with a home-spun country theme and promotional materials on the other side. The promotional materials may include free items such as candy from a country store for the children and giveaways or discounts correlated with the point of sale on purchases from the country store or for future food purchases from the restaurant. The promotions also may be directed to cross-promotions with other retail and online establishments.