Decentralization for Web3 Builders: Principles, Models, How
To guide web3 builders tackling what decentralization means in practice, across several use cases, we cover: the design challenge of web3 decentralization; how builders can use the novel components of web3 systems to achieve decentralization; and an analysis of several models of decentralization and how they apply in practice.
How to Launch a Creator DAO — Coinvise
Creator DAOs are on the rise, and we’re seeing new ones being created every day. DAOs are a new way to finance projects, govern communities, and share value. For every Creator, for anyone on the internet, it’s now possible to collaborate, trust each other and join forces toward a joint project.
The ultimate Guide to Designing Effective Token Launches — Mirror
Hey there! Coinvise is a web3 platform that helps creators & communities build and manage their Social Tokens. You can join the community here. If you find this essay interesting, make sure to subscribe to this newsletter and follow Coinvise on Twitter. Enjoy! 🔥
The Dissensus Protocol: Governing Differences in Online Peer Communities
Peer-to-peer networks and protocols have inspired new ideas and ideologies about governance, with the aim of using technology to enable horizontal and decentralized decision-making at scale. This article introduces the concept of “dissensus” from political theory to debates about peer governance in online communities. Dissensus describes the emergence of incompatible differences. Among peer-to-peer technologies, blockchain stands out as a set of ideas that explicitly seek to resolve dissensus through consensus protocols. In this article, we propose dissensus as a “protocol” for foregrounding the often sidelined yet productive aspects of incompatible differences. The concept highlights that there might not always be consensus about a consensus algorithm, and that indeed, dissensus is the precondition for new possibilities and perspectives to emerge. We discuss the concept in relation to the histories of governance ideas in blockchain, namely, a “materialist,” “design,” and “emergent” approach. We then describe moments of dissensus in practice through two cases of online communities, Genesis DAO and Ouishare, discussing their different ways of recognizing and navigating dissensus. Finally, we give a critical overview of consensus algorithms, voting, staking, and forking as the mechanisms that make out blockchain governance ideologies. In conclusion, we argue that dissensus can serve as a useful concept for pointing attention to governance as it is conducted in practice, as h...
The Padawan DAO - 🕯 Community - 🤩 MetaCartel Forum
PadawanDAO Inspired by @Ricburton legendary team of hackers at ETHlisbon. See Tweet Idea We MetaCartel Fund a DAO of young G’s going to conferences, the young G’s select new young G’s to join them by giving a sponsorship for an event. They keep paying it forward to new members of the group by accepting new member proposals to the group. Conferences like ETHDenver, DevCon, MCON, are ideal events to activate new talent. Execution I have a few young G summoners in mind to help bootstrap the s...
What skillsets are needed to contribute to a DAO? — Mirror
Hey there! Coinvise is a web3 platform that helps creators & communities build and manage their Social Tokens. You can join the community here. If you find this essay interesting, make sure to subscribe to this newsletter and follow Coinvise on Twitter. Enjoy! 🔥
7 Ways To Use Systems Thinking in Your Daily Life
If you’re looking for ways to make positive adjustments to your daily life. There is so much stuff you can do. From reading books to watching videos to actually doing the strategies suggested in the just mentioned mediums. But if you don’t have time for everything, like most mortals, focus on understanding one thing. Learn more about systems thinking. Everything around you is a system. And every system is part of another system. By understanding how things around you interlink. You become better at seeing how things work together and how these same things can be manipulated, changed, modified to…
Gnosis Safe | What is it and why should you care
If you found yourself in the freelance industry and been creating and building sick dApps with the help of Moralis of course, you might have thought about the idea of a safe middleman for the payment itself. You can use Gnosis Safe for that. It can be used for other purposes but I will be describing the way it can be used for middlemanning a transaction safely. A Gnosis Safe is basically a wallet which has wallet addresses (owners) assigned to it. Let’s say you and me decide to fund a projec...