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Pantomime launches immersive virtual worlds that don't require VR goggles | GamesBeat | Games | by …
Pantomime launches immersive virtual worlds that don't require VR goggles | GamesBeat | Games | by …
Using a virtual-reality headset is just one way of looking at an animated digital world. A new startup called Pantomime has come up with another method — without the need to wear goggles. The new technology is very innovative, and it’s one more offering that could help fulfill the promise of virtual reality and augmented reality, which …
Pantomime launches immersive virtual worlds that don't require VR goggles | GamesBeat | Games | by …
5 Insights for New VR Developers from DreamWorks Animation Head of Technology Product Development
5 Insights for New VR Developers from DreamWorks Animation Head of Technology Product Development
At Samsung’s 2014 developer conference last week, Warren Mayoss, Head of Technology Product Development at DreamWorks Animation, took to the stage during the second day keynote to talk VR. Mayoss shared some of the initial work that DreamWorks has done with virtual reality, including five insights for new VR developers. Mayoss, who worked previously with …
5 Insights for New VR Developers from DreamWorks Animation Head of Technology Product Development
CryENGINE | Crytek
CryENGINE | Crytek
CRYENGINE is Crytek's powerful game development platform, available with full source code & features.
CryENGINE | Crytek
A way forward for the VFX industry | fxguide
A way forward for the VFX industry | fxguide
The problems facing the vfx industry are serious and complex, we present a new model for discussion based on the work of some very serious players.
A way forward for the VFX industry | fxguide
Learn how Hollywood screwed over the VFX industry in Life After Pi
Learn how Hollywood screwed over the VFX industry in Life After Pi
In 2011-12, the VFX company Rhythm & Hues created the astounding effects for Ang Lee's gorgeous movie The Life of Pi. Then they went bankrupt, fired their staff, and went out of business. Two weeks later they won an Oscar. The new documentary Life After Pi shows how this insanity was made possible.
Learn how Hollywood screwed over the VFX industry in Life After Pi
VFX - Technicolor
VFX - Technicolor
Technicolor and its family of VFX brands provides premiere visual effects services and innovations tailored to the creative and storytelling needs of each project.
VFX - Technicolor
Immerse Me: How To Get Lost In A Story (Story Not Required) | TechCrunch
Immerse Me: How To Get Lost In A Story (Story Not Required) | TechCrunch
The media we use to tell stories has evolved considerably in the millennia since our ancestors swapped their first campfire tales. Regardless of the form stories take, the storyteller always has the same goal: transport an audience -- get people to stop thinking about the here and now and focus on the world of the story. And despite all advances in storytelling media, there has only been one surefire way to achieve that goal: Tell a really, really good story. Not anymore.
Immerse Me: How To Get Lost In A Story (Story Not Required) | TechCrunch
‘Moments’ Are Selling The Promise Of VR Right Now | TechCrunch
‘Moments’ Are Selling The Promise Of VR Right Now | TechCrunch
When explaining some of the nuances of virtual reality to friends and family, they want to hear about the “games” or the “apps.” Yes, full experiences, or “titles” are an exciting part about any platform’s growth. Unfortunately, there aren’t that many full titles that are going to get people excited yet. Yes, there are some […]
‘Moments’ Are Selling The Promise Of VR Right Now | TechCrunch