Until marketers move vendors off a percentage-of-media-spend business model, there will be misaligned incentives that bring down the industry, writes Audience Science's Michael Greene.
Adblock Plus, the most popular ad blocker on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Android and iOS. Block pop-ups and annoying ads on websites like Facebook and YouTube.
Mobile rewards and advertising startup PaeDae is announcing that it has raised $11.6 million in new funding. The round is a mix of debt and equity, said founder and CEO Rob Emrich, though he declined to specify how much was debt and how much equity. The company says there are more than 20 investors, including Ed Ojdana, 3G Capital, Grind Games, and Silicon Valley Bank.
David Gedye walks us through a first look at Photosynth 2.0. This new update gives you a far more stitched and '3D model' look than past Photosynths through four different types of guided paths. The c
HubSpot's Blog for marketing, sales, agency, and customer success content, which has more than 400,000 subscribers and attracts over 4.5 million monthly visitors.
In March 2013, Coca-Cola rolled out an integrated Twitter-driven campaign on Romanian TV channel ProTV that asked the viewers to tweet about their family meals, so that their messages appeared live…