

Imagining a Genuinely Trustable Airline | LinkedIn
Imagining a Genuinely Trustable Airline | LinkedIn
I was once on a United Airlines flight and before it left the gate the captain came out to make an announcement to passengers, using the microphone usually handled by flight attendants. Hmmm, I thought (I tend to notice the “little things” that companies do).
Imagining a Genuinely Trustable Airline | LinkedIn
The Biggest Marketing Lesson from Chipotle’s ‘Scarecrow’ Video (and It's No
The Biggest Marketing Lesson from Chipotle’s ‘Scarecrow’ Video (and It's No
Last week, the fast-food company Chipotle released a new marketing program, “The Scarecrow,” which depicts a kind of creepy, dystopian world that makes a heart-wrenching statement about the sorry state of industrial food production. In less than a week after its release on Wednesday, 9/11, the video
The Biggest Marketing Lesson from Chipotle’s ‘Scarecrow’ Video (and It's No
How Goofing Off Can Make You More Successful | LinkedIn
How Goofing Off Can Make You More Successful | LinkedIn
I co-authored these thoughts with my friend Emma Seppala, who serves as Associate Director at Stanford University's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and is a popular science writer with Psychology Today. Last week two top LinkedIn Influencer pieces resonated with me.
How Goofing Off Can Make You More Successful | LinkedIn
Five Things Samsung's Smartwatch Tells Us About the Future of Wearables | L
Five Things Samsung's Smartwatch Tells Us About the Future of Wearables | L
VentureBeat got an exclusive early look at Samsung's upcoming smartwatch, the Galaxy Gear, over the weekend. It's a chunky, ugly block of a thing, even accounting for the fact that the model we saw (and got photos of) is just a prototype, as VentureBeat reporter Christina Farr reported.
Five Things Samsung's Smartwatch Tells Us About the Future of Wearables | L
Storytelling in 2013 | LinkedIn
Storytelling in 2013 | LinkedIn
I wake up every morning upset about one core thing, and that is this: It’s 2013 and 99 percent of people are marketing their products like it’s 2004. That’s it.
Storytelling in 2013 | LinkedIn
How to Make Money Selling a Free Product
How to Make Money Selling a Free Product
How does Red Hat make more than $1 billion every year selling free software? As you can probably imagine, I get asked this question a lot. I believe it comes down to two things: we’ve figured out how to harness the power of the open source development model while adding unique value enterprises need
How to Make Money Selling a Free Product
The Misconceptions of Entrepreneurship | LinkedIn
The Misconceptions of Entrepreneurship | LinkedIn
In the past few decades entrepreneurship has been transformed from a dirty word into one of the most aspirational careers people strive for. So what does being an entrepreneur really mean? We’ve discussed how you would define the word ‘entrepreneur’ on LinkedIn before, but The Economist’s excellent
The Misconceptions of Entrepreneurship | LinkedIn
Closing America’s Twin Gaps
Closing America’s Twin Gaps
In a new book focused on the skills gap confronting Silicon Valley and the tech industry more broadly, the author, Gary J. Beach, publisher emeritus of CIO Magazine, argues that we have a bigger problem.
Closing America’s Twin Gaps
Software is Eating the Digital Advertising Business | LinkedIn
Software is Eating the Digital Advertising Business | LinkedIn
Yesterday, Yahoo! reported earnings and released undeniable data about the growing impact that advertising technology companies are having on the company. Display ad revenue (ex-TAC) was down by 12%, the price for a display ad was down 11% and the number of ads sold was down 2%.
Software is Eating the Digital Advertising Business | LinkedIn
How 'Bout a Refund For That Airline Fee? | LinkedIn
How 'Bout a Refund For That Airline Fee? | LinkedIn
Here's a question that's been on my mind — and maybe yours, too — since the revelation that airlines collected a record $27 billion in fees last year, a staggering 19.6 percent increase from 2011: Do they ever offer to refund those extra charges? They're required to under certain conditions.
How 'Bout a Refund For That Airline Fee? | LinkedIn
Substance Is Viral: The Rise of High Value Digital Journalism and Storytell
Substance Is Viral: The Rise of High Value Digital Journalism and Storytell
In a media ecosystem based on one-click sharing, we are what we tweet (or like or +1.) Our habits on social media represent who we are, what we stand for, who we identify with, which communities we belong to and how we want others to perceive us.
Substance Is Viral: The Rise of High Value Digital Journalism and Storytell
The Importance of Creating an A-Team | LinkedIn
The Importance of Creating an A-Team | LinkedIn
Any good leader or manager will tell you that the key to success is all about the quality, skills and experience of the people they surround themselves with. And all great entrepreneurs understand that the skills needed to launch and grow a successful business are very different to the ones needed t
The Importance of Creating an A-Team | LinkedIn
Company Pages | LinkedIn
Company Pages | LinkedIn
Drive brand awareness and quality engagement with professional audiences by creating a LinkedIn Page.
Company Pages | LinkedIn
Finally, The Best Times To Cold Call Revealed | LinkedIn
Finally, The Best Times To Cold Call Revealed | LinkedIn
Dr James Oldroyd, a Professor at Sung Kyun Kwan Graduate School of Business conducted a study in 2007 with the Kellogg School of Management to study cold calling success and came up with some surprising information. The study took place over 4 months with companies of various sizes from more than 40
Finally, The Best Times To Cold Call Revealed | LinkedIn
Three Things I’ve Learned From Warren Buffett | LinkedIn
Three Things I’ve Learned From Warren Buffett | LinkedIn
I’m looking forward to sharing posts from time to time about things I’ve learned in my career at Microsoft and the Gates Foundation. (I also post frequently on my blog.
Three Things I’ve Learned From Warren Buffett | LinkedIn
How I Blogged My Way Around the World | LinkedIn
How I Blogged My Way Around the World | LinkedIn
It cost me $18,000 to travel the world for a year. Although this was less than the cost of what it would've cost me to live at home, I did have to figure out a way to earn that money on the road.
How I Blogged My Way Around the World | LinkedIn
The Number One Job Skill in 2020 | LinkedIn
The Number One Job Skill in 2020 | LinkedIn
What's the crucial career strength that employers everywhere are seeking -- even though hardly anyone is talking about it? A great way to find out is by studying this list of fast-growing occupations, as compiled by the U.S.
The Number One Job Skill in 2020 | LinkedIn
Link from LinkedIn
Link from LinkedIn
This map blew my mind. Look at what a tiny region of the planet contains more than HALF the living people! I then learned that if you took the whole planet and everyone lived at the density of Manhattan, then everyone would fit inside of Texas.
Link from LinkedIn
Link from LinkedIn
Link from LinkedIn
This paper, written by the LinkedIn Espresso Team, appeared at the ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference (June 2013). To see the talk given by Swaroop Jagadish (Staff So…
Link from LinkedIn
How To Get Press: Don't Pitch Your Product | LinkedIn
How To Get Press: Don't Pitch Your Product | LinkedIn
I get pitches every day from entrepreneurs, PR agencies and book authors who hope to get an article about them written on my blog, OnStartups (300,000 readers) — or on HubSpot's marketing blog(over 1.5 million visits a month).
How To Get Press: Don't Pitch Your Product | LinkedIn