David Sanger | LinkedIn

Shannon Blake Gans | LinkedIn
Jillian Stein | LinkedIn
Tom Brady | LinkedIn
Allen J Tsai | LinkedIn
Jordi Matsumoto | LinkedIn
Connie Jordan | LinkedIn
Chris Carmichael | LinkedIn
Shan Zhong | LinkedIn
Jody Menerey | LinkedIn
Don Stein | LinkedIn
Arthur Balluff | LinkedIn
James Hay | LinkedIn
Nathan Shipley | LinkedIn
Derek Lee Bledsoe | LinkedIn
Nathalie Mathe | LinkedIn
Gentry Lane | LinkedIn
Chris Bobotis | LinkedIn
Nick Bicanic | LinkedIn
Patrick Meegan | LinkedIn
Kees Klomp | LinkedIn
Bas Beukers | LinkedIn
Lea Walker | LinkedIn
Samuel Luchini | LinkedIn
Michael Licht | LinkedIn
Andrew Chung | LinkedIn
John Furnari | LinkedIn
Eric Chevalier | LinkedIn
Carly Chevalier | LinkedIn
The VR war has only just begun. | Drew Duncan | LinkedIn
While the real battle between Oculus and HTC will be trying to win over the hearts of consumers, both parties will also be at war with each other. Back in 2012, Phil Chen, Chief Content Officer for HTC and Founder of the HTC Vive, happened upon the Oculus Rift and reached out to form a partnership.