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Why Marketing Should Strive To Be Like Yoga Instead of Weightlifting | Geoffrey Colon | LinkedIn
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy.
How to Build a Powerful Presentation Deck for Ad Agency New Business | Michael Gass | LinkedIn
Give your presentations LIFE rather than SUCKING THE LIFE out of your audience. I’ve been speaking publically for more than three decades.
The Craft of Marketing Podcast by Seth Price — Kickstarter
Matthieu PERDRIZET | LinkedIn
What I Learned About Life After Interviewing 80 Highly Successful People |
"You interrupt too much," people email me. "Let your guests finish talking.
17 Things Investors Say When Really What They Mean is, “No” | LinkedIn
One lesson I learned the hard way as a founder is that investors never like to say “no.” They especially don’t like to say “yes,” but “no” is almost as difficult to get out of them.