Seeing the World through Digital Prisms: Psychological Implications of Passthrough Video Usage in Mixed Reality#W06#tokenwisdom#worthafortune#FEB#2024#TNL··Feb 11, 2024Seeing the World through Digital Prisms: Psychological Implications of Passthrough Video Usage in Mixed Reality
Graffiti vandals open up about tagging downtown L.A. skyscrapers#W06#tokenwisdom#worthafortune#FEB#2024#TNL··Feb 7, 2024Graffiti vandals open up about tagging downtown L.A. skyscrapers
Government hackers targeted iPhones owners with zero-days, Google says | TechCrunch#W06#tokenwisdom#worthafortune#FEB#2024#TNL··Feb 7, 2024Government hackers targeted iPhones owners with zero-days, Google says | TechCrunch
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On Spatial Computing, Metaverse, the Terms Left Behind and Ideas Renewed —··Feb 7, 2024On Spatial Computing, Metaverse, the Terms Left Behind and Ideas Renewed —
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Bicycle – Bartosz Ciechanowski#W06#tokenwisdom#worthafortune#FEB#2024#TNL··Feb 9, 2024Bicycle – Bartosz Ciechanowski
The (Often) Overlooked Experiment That Revealed the Quantum World | Quanta Magazine#W06#tokenwisdom#worthafortune#FEB#2024#TNL··Feb 9, 2024The (Often) Overlooked Experiment That Revealed the Quantum World | Quanta Magazine
WIRED: Here's the Thing AI Just Can't Do#W06#tokenwisdom#worthafortune#FEB#2024#TNL··Feb 9, 2024WIRED: Here's the Thing AI Just Can't Do
Fortnite is winning the metaverse#W06#tokenwisdom#worthafortune#FEB#2024#TNL··Feb 11, 2024Fortnite is winning the metaverse
Inflection AI, The Year-Old Startup Behind Chatbot Pi, Raises $1.3 Billion#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#FEB#TNL··Feb 2, 2024Inflection AI, The Year-Old Startup Behind Chatbot Pi, Raises $1.3 Billion
How Boss turned Gisele into a 33-foot hologram#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#FEB#TNL··Feb 3, 2024How Boss turned Gisele into a 33-foot hologram
New funding supports UK artists to work with immersive tech#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#FEB#TNL··Feb 2, 2024New funding supports UK artists to work with immersive tech
Poisoned AI went rogue during training and couldn't be taught to behave again in 'legitimately scary' study#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#FEB#TNL··Feb 2, 2024Poisoned AI went rogue during training and couldn't be taught to behave again in 'legitimately scary' study
Reshaping the tree: rebuilding organizations for AI#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#JAN#TNL··Jan 30, 2024Reshaping the tree: rebuilding organizations for AI
A Close-Up View Reveals the ‘Melting’ Point of an Infinite Graph | Quanta Magazine#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#JAN#TNL··Jan 30, 2024A Close-Up View Reveals the ‘Melting’ Point of an Infinite Graph | Quanta Magazine
WIRED: Scientists Just Discovered a New Type of Magnetism#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#JAN#TNL··Jan 29, 2024WIRED: Scientists Just Discovered a New Type of Magnetism
Scientific American: Consciousness Is a Continuum, and Scientists Are Starting to Measure It#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#JAN#TNL··Jan 29, 2024Scientific American: Consciousness Is a Continuum, and Scientists Are Starting to Measure It
The Verge: Netflix is different now — and there's no going back#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#JAN#TNL··Jan 29, 2024The Verge: Netflix is different now — and there's no going back
Leaked Google Memo Shows Aimless Execs Basically Worshiping AI#tokenwisdom#W05#2024#JAN#TNL··Jan 29, 2024Leaked Google Memo Shows Aimless Execs Basically Worshiping AI
What is an AI black box? A computer scientist explains#2023#JUN#AI#W23#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jun 7, 2023What is an AI black box? A computer scientist explains
Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment's interactive gaming experience is a new way to engage fans#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jan 27, 2024Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment's interactive gaming experience is a new way to engage fans
Explicit fake images of Taylor Swift prove laws haven't kept pace with tech, experts say | CBC News#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jan 27, 2024Explicit fake images of Taylor Swift prove laws haven't kept pace with tech, experts say | CBC News
A new AI model called Morpheus-1 claims to induce lucid dreaming#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jan 27, 2024A new AI model called Morpheus-1 claims to induce lucid dreaming
Loneliness and suicide mitigation for students using GPT3-enabled chatbots#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jan 24, 2024Loneliness and suicide mitigation for students using GPT3-enabled chatbots
How a voice cloning marketplace is using Content Credentials to fight misuse — Content Authenticity Initiative#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jan 24, 2024How a voice cloning marketplace is using Content Credentials to fight misuse — Content Authenticity Initiative
Play 2D Platformer on Game Boy While Jumping in 3D#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jan 24, 2024Play 2D Platformer on Game Boy While Jumping in 3D
Metadata, a Love Note to the Future | Welcome to Mozilla Science Lab's Open Data Primers!#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jan 23, 2024Metadata, a Love Note to the Future | Welcome to Mozilla Science Lab's Open Data Primers!
Wary of wearables#W04#tokenwisdom#JAN#2024#TNL··Jan 21, 2024Wary of wearables