

Synchronic Tides - DigiScape
Synchronic Tides - DigiScape
Interactive Artwork This stunning digital artwork is created by KeJyunWu x @damonxart, it uses simple hand gestures to allow visitors to control the wind… | 15 comments on LinkedIn
Synchronic Tides - DigiScape
TouchDesigner on Instagram: "Repost from @nouses_kou • 🫧↕︎↪︎ AI, physical sensations, and sound design. It generates sound from AI body tracking data. @touchdesigner and AI Balaclava @gb_mouth #touchdesigner #aiart #contemporaryart"
TouchDesigner on Instagram: "Repost from @nouses_kou • 🫧↕︎↪︎ AI, physical sensations, and sound design. It generates sound from AI body tracking data. @touchdesigner and AI Balaclava @gb_mouth #touchdesigner #aiart #contemporaryart"
1,363 likes, 20 comments - touchdesigner on June 11, 2024: "Repost from @nouses_kou • 🫧↕︎↪︎ AI, physical sensations, and sound design. It generates sound from AI body tracking data....".
TouchDesigner on Instagram: "Repost from @nouses_kou • 🫧↕︎↪︎ AI, physical sensations, and sound design. It generates sound from AI body tracking data. @touchdesigner and AI Balaclava @gb_mouth #touchdesigner #aiart #contemporaryart"
VISIT Chromasonic is an immersive light and sound experience to inspire expanded states of awareness and connection.
Showcase - LightAct
Showcase - LightAct
AllAmericasAsiaEuropeEventFixed InstallationLightMiddle EastReal-timeVideo Boucheron Flagship Ginza Store Projection mapping, Video Playback Legends Arabia: The Home of Football Projection mapping, Screen mapping, Video Playback Dafeng Technology Experience Center Notch, Projection mapping, Screen mapping, Video Playback Expressions of America Projection mapping, Video Playback LabLab Notch, Projection mapping, Unreal Engine SMG Arts Center Notch, Projection mapping, Screen mapping […]
Showcase - LightAct
Projection Mapping Made In Unreal Engine 5
Projection Mapping Made In Unreal Engine 5
I made this video art installation for festival Art Of Život. Entire video is made in Unreal Engine 5. All the transformation is based only on the material, just controlled noise at the world position offset. The geometry is the 3d scan of former bank in my hometown.
Projection Mapping Made In Unreal Engine 5
Projection mapping effects in Unreal Engine 5
Projection mapping effects in Unreal Engine 5
All effects in videos were made only in Unreal Engine 5 with our blueprint Transform Effector. All the animations are realtime. We used mostly the Megascans models and custom meshes from Blender. Blueprint on UE Marketplace: Walkthrough the assets and basic tutorial: Tutorial how to attach to your third person: Drag & Drop Easy to use blueprint for animating any actor of your scene. Just TAG your actors to be controlled by blueprint Transform Effector. You can animate the objects just by moving the Blueprint or edit its values. The transformation is defined by distance of the Blueprint and tagged actor. You can easily change the values in blueprint for different types of animations. All the values are editable in the cinematics, so you can easily create complex animation in sequencer with only one blueprint. Feel free to attach blueprint to players or dynamic objects. Works with: static meshes, skeletal meshes, particles, lights, texts, you name it... All you have to do is just Tag the actor and you can control it with our blueprint BP_T_Effector. Follow us on Instagram:
Projection mapping effects in Unreal Engine 5
Unleash the power of Porta, the ultimate production controller that enhances your broadcast storytelling. Seamlessly integrate Unreal Engine graphics into any production environment for dynamic, real-time content that captivates your audience.