Studio Treble Portfolio by @studiotreble | Pitch

Pitch, Please
terrible* Pitch Deck by @terrible | Pitch
Butchershop® Global Agency Introduction Deck by @butchershop | Pitch
How to Scale With Usage Based Pricing by @openview | Pitch
Bunch Pitch Deck by @darjagutnick | Pitch
Here - Creds Deck by @here | Pitch
Remi Pitch Deck by @valeriekraemer | Pitch
Roleshare Pitch Deck by @roleshare | Pitch
Roleshare | Join the job share movement
Thrive Product Vision Deck by @ariannahuff | Pitch
Expanding to the US by @indexventures | Pitch
The value of design and how Jobs-to-be-done help you to succeed by @soul___tec | Pitch
JRNY Pitch Deck by @jrny | Pitch
ALETIK Pitch Deck by @Aletik | Pitch
Vaayu Pitch Deck by @Vaayu | Pitch
Morty Pitch Deck by @morty | Pitch
Paddle Series D Pitch Deck by @paddle | Pitch
Otomo - Investor Brief.pdf
Venture university slide deck template panasci 21
Pitch Deck Teardown: Party Round's $7M pre-seed deck
Sample Series C pitch deck: Forethought's $65m deck
Cover slide
Founders slide
TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Battlefield slide — (Yes, really!)
Traction slide (redacted numbers)
Customer list slide
“Forbes 2021 next billion-dollar startups” — mystery slide
“Think about the last time you were on hold” — problem slide
“The cost of bad customer service” — problem slide
“Transform customer experiences with human-centered AI” — solution slide
“Complete platform” — product slide
“True AI” — product slide
“Rapid time-to-value” — product slide
“Secure and trusted” — product slide
“Intelligent gap detection” — product slide
“Trusted by the best” — customer breakdown slide
“Metrics Summary” (redacted) — traction slide
Customer testimonials slide
ARR expansion per cohort (redacted) — customer development slide
“Forethinkers” team slide
Advisors and investors slide
“What’s next” (redacted) — road map slide
“Where we’re going” (redacted) — revenue growth slide
“Unlock human potential through AI” — mission slide
Aurora Power©
Ubiquitous Energy Pitch Deck by @ubiquitousenergy | Pitch
Climatiq Pitch Deck by @climatiq | Pitch
Rodale white paper
R2010 01 104
Regenerosity Network Pitch Deck 2020.pdf
Solar Energy Farm Business Plan [UPD 2022] | OGScapital
Tierra Foods Pitch Deck by @tierrafoods | Pitch