Pixel Sprites
Flavours of On-Chain SVG NFTs on Ethereum
NFTs, as unique items on the blockchain, has a URI that points to data containing the metadata & the corresponding visuals. This URI can be an HTTP link, pointing to a video or image hosted on a normal server, or other services like IPFS (hash-based addresses), or Arweave (incentivized hosti
Why fully on-chain? — hypnobrando
It seems like every month now, there is a new fully on-chain project that crops up. This past fall we had Anonymice. Soon after came Chainrunners. And now Flipmap, a derivative of Blitmap, seems to be the latest big one. Each of these have their own approach, but the one thing that separates them from 99% of projects out there: fully on-chain.
“Papagayo-NG” is a lip-syncing program designed to line up phonemes (mouth shapes) with the actual recorded sound of actors speaking. For more details please visit https://morevnaproject.org/papagayo.Why should I pay for this download?You do not have to pay for this download - just enter "0" (zero) at the "Price" field to get it for free. Any donations made through this page will be used to make Papagay-NG better.Why should I provide my email?Providing email address allows you to receive notifications about updates of this package. I don't want notifications. Can I download anonymously?Sure! Here is a link to anonymous download.How to use linux package?Linux package uses AppImage file format. After downloading the file just make it executable and run. Read more about AppImage package format.
morevnaproject-org/papagayo-ng: Papagayo is a lip-syncing program designed to help you line up phonemes (mouth shapes) with the actual recorded sound of actors speaking. Papagayo makes it easy to lip sync animated characters by making the process very simple - just type in the words being spoken (or copy/paste them from the animation's script), then drag the words on top of the sound's waveform until they line up with the proper sounds.
Papagayo is a lip-syncing program designed to help you line up phonemes (mouth shapes) with the actual recorded sound of actors speaking. Papagayo makes it easy to lip sync animated characters by m...
BoThompson/pixeLips: An Aseprite Script Plugin to implement using Papagayo files to animate Lipsyncing
An Aseprite Script Plugin to implement using Papagayo files to animate Lipsyncing - BoThompson/pixeLips: An Aseprite Script Plugin to implement using Papagayo files to animate Lipsyncing
GitHub - svg-sprite/svg-sprite: SVG sprites & stacks galore — A low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types along with suitable stylesheet resources (e.g. CSS, Sass, LESS, Stylus, etc.)
SVG sprites & stacks galore — A low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types along with suitable stylesheet reso...
Lottie online player with an animation demo example
Web application with the connected Lottie player for quick and private checking animation files created in After Effects. The app will help you choose the rendering method (HTML5 canvas or SVG) and correct animation speed. Also it is another tool to study animation created by other professional animators.