50 Best Quotes for Storytelling — The Storyteller Agency
Stories are never-ending journeys, hidden talents or suppressed memories, all waiting to be told. We all have a distinct definition of a story, so why not share yours? We’ve compiled some of the best storytelling quotes in hopes of inspiring others to tell their stories. So, what’s your story?
Alternative words storytellers are known with
Writing is just one form of the art of storytelling, a tradition as old as human society. Stories aren't just a part of culture, they define and help shape it. One can learn a lot about a culture by the tales it creates and values. With a little foresight, one can also see how the repetition of these tales can influence the coming generations and their psyche.Though writing is an ancient craft, equal education for all is recent in human history and so reading as a form of enjoying stories is a relatively new form of enjoying fictional or real stories, before that, and even before writing, tales were enjoyed through telling, and those who told tales were respected and appreciated for their talent and contribution. Even today the art of oral storytelling is thriving. Here are some different words for storytellers and how they have changed over time.Definitions taken from dictionary.com
Center for the Study of the Public Domain | Duke University School of Law
The Center for the Study of the Public Domain at Duke Law School is the first university center in the world devoted to the other side of the picture. Founded in September of 2002, as part of the school's wider intellectual property program, its mission is to promote research and scholarship on the contributions of the public domain to speech, culture, science and innovation, to promote debate about the balance needed in our intellectual property system and to translate academic research into public policy solutions. The Center's Faculty Co-Directors are James Boyle, David Lange, Arti Rai and Jerome Reichman. Its Director is Jennifer Jenkins. The Center is supported in its operation by a generous founding gift and by grants from foundations.