Real Estate
7 Warehouse Robots for Retail Automation
Really good science fiction movies help us imagine a more exciting future, where giant robots engage in combat for our viewing pleasure or there’s a cure for baldness. These films also remind us just how far those fantastic visions are from our more mundane reality. By now we should all own flying cars and be able to control machines with our minds. At the very least, we hoped by now to have artificially intelligent robots catering to our every whim. It turns out we’re not far off from that particular future, at least when it comes to buying stuff. Retail
Robots In The Warehouse: It's Not Just Amazon
Amazon is using over 30,000 of these robots in their facilities. Unfortunately, for the rest of the industry, Amazon is no longer selling the Kiva robots, renamed Amazon robots, to the industry. They are using all of their production internally. However, there are competitors that have emerged to fill the void.
ASRS 101: Intro to Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (commonly referred to as ASRS systems) are most commonly used in manufacturing and distribution facilities. Learn all about the different technologies and how they're benefiting warehouses and distribution centers of all types and sizes!
inVia Robotics - Plug-and-Play Warehouse Robotics
We're not quite sure where the nerd gene comes from but all of us here at Nanalyze have it. When the topic comes up of industrial robots that can be trained to do stuff like run around warehouses picking up packages and delivering them, we immediately start to get all warm and fuzzy inside. Here's a test to see if you have the nerd gene too. Take a look at this picture of a warehouse robotics platform in action: Now when you look at that picture, if you see a giant kids' toy for adults, you have the nerd gene. Seriously, how much
Automate Nearly Anything with Universal Robots
While some would argue that the Washington Post has largely become a factory for politically motivated fluff pieces, yesterday there was actually an insightful article about how robotics are taking factory jobs in America that just can't be filled. This is a drastically different story than what we've been told about robots stealing jobs from people. As it turns out, the robots are filling a void that the article describes as follows: The robots were coming in not to replace humans, and not just as a way to modernize, but also because reliable humans had become so hard to find.
Alate Partners
We empower entrepreneurs who are rethinking real estate.
See the massive transformation in store for Boyle Heights Sears complex
The mixed-user will have it all, from a food hall to offices to 1,030 live-work units.
Redeveloper of Boyle Heights Sears looking for project partner
More than 1,000 new units, plus shops and offices.
3 Canadian REITs That Could Land on Top in 2019
The Canadian REITs we’ve discovered provide investors with a compelling narrative going into 2019.
The Top Industrial REITs in Canada
Amid increasing rates of interest, shares of industrial REITs such as Pure Industrial Real Estate Trust (TSX:AAR.UN) will continue to deliver for investors for a long time.
Best Canadian REITs
Find the best Canadian REITs and how to pick yours. There isn't a one pick fit all unfortunately.
REIT Rankings: Industrial
Industrial REITs were the best performing REIT sector in 2016, notching a 30% total return for the year. The sector has struggled so far in 2017.Q4 earnings generally met expectations, but forward gui
How To Form Real Estate Investment Trusts | NAREIT
Compliance & Tax Law Requirements For Forming a REIT. Find Law Firms, Accounting Firms, & Banking Firms with REIT Expertise.
REITs & Real Estate Investing | Real Estate Working For You | Nareit
Nareit serves as the worldwide representative voice for REITs and real estate companies with an interest in U.S. income-producing real estate.
The future of warehouses
Forward-thinking policies, ground-breaking warehouse designs and innovative supply chain solutions are transforming urban logistics
Through its REIT, MGM Resorts finds its way into New York’s gaming market
Most analysts believe MGM Resorts International’s planned $850 million acquisition of a New York casino and racetrack is all about tapping into the state’s potentially lucrative sports wagering busine…
1240 Palmetto St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 - Industrial Space for Lease
Industrial space for lease at 1240 Palmetto St, Los Angeles, CA 90013. Visit CREXi.com to read property details & contact the listing broker.
la SHED architecture: Renée Mailhot, Yannick Laurin, Sébastien Parent.
Homepage - W. P. Carey Inc.
W. P. Carey Inc. (NYSE: WPC) is a leading internally-managed REIT that owns and manages properties net leased on a long-term basis primarily to companies in the U.S. and Europe.
Industrial REITs
Industrial REITs are one of six major types of REITs. Industrial REITs invest in real estate that is used for storage, distribution, manufacturing, production, and research and development.
Industrial REITs | Nareit
Nareit serves as the worldwide representative voice for REITs and real estate companies with an interest in U.S. income-producing real estate.