Really good science fiction movies help us imagine a more exciting future, where giant robots engage in combat for our viewing pleasure or there’s a cure for baldness. These films also remind us just how far those fantastic visions are from our more mundane reality. By now we should all own flying cars and be able to control machines with our minds. At the very least, we hoped by now to have artificially intelligent robots catering to our every whim. It turns out we’re not far off from that particular future, at least when it comes to buying stuff. Retail
Amazon is using over 30,000 of these robots in their facilities. Unfortunately, for the rest of the industry, Amazon is no longer selling the Kiva robots, renamed Amazon robots, to the industry. They are using all of their production internally. However, there are competitors that have emerged to fill the void.
Nous créons des solutions robotiques performantes qui permettent d'avoir une efficacité optimale dans la préparation de commande, et ce pour tout entrepôt.
ASRS 101: Intro to Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (commonly referred to as ASRS systems) are most commonly used in manufacturing and distribution facilities. Learn all about the different technologies and how they're benefiting warehouses and distribution centers of all types and sizes!
We're not quite sure where the nerd gene comes from but all of us here at Nanalyze have it. When the topic comes up of industrial robots that can be trained to do stuff like run around warehouses picking up packages and delivering them, we immediately start to get all warm and fuzzy inside. Here's a test to see if you have the nerd gene too. Take a look at this picture of a warehouse robotics platform in action: Now when you look at that picture, if you see a giant kids' toy for adults, you have the nerd gene. Seriously, how much
While some would argue that the Washington Post has largely become a factory for politically motivated fluff pieces, yesterday there was actually an insightful article about how robotics are taking factory jobs in America that just can't be filled. This is a drastically different story than what we've been told about robots stealing jobs from people. As it turns out, the robots are filling a void that the article describes as follows: The robots were coming in not to replace humans, and not just as a way to modernize, but also because reliable humans had become so hard to find.
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