The New York Times collaborate with Google for virtual reality project – NYT VR – Lovely Mobile News
New York Times' VR Work Wins Mobile Grand Prix at Cannes | Ad Age
The New York Times' VR Fare Nabs Cannes Mobile Lions Grand Prix - SHOOTonline
NYT VR (Cannes Lions Case Study)
NYT VR Wins Grand Prix for Mobile Lions at Cannes | The New York Times Company
Digital marketing case study - Virtual reality case study: New York Times takes news to a new generation - Digital Training Academy
Google Has Shipped Millions of Cardboard Virtual Reality Devices
Google has shipped 10M Cardboard VR viewers, 160M Cardboard app downloads | TechCrunch
Google Sold More than 5 million VR Cardboards in a Year. Here’s Why
Immersive Media Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Investors, Acquisition | PitchBook
bluemedia debuts Sky Projection at Super Bowl LIV
Super Bowl LIV Highlights
All-new Range Rover Sport Pikes Peak Driven Challenge Trailer
All-New Range Rover Sport challenges Pikes Peak: TV Advert
Taylor Swift Behind the Vision – AMEX UNSTAGED
Taylor Swift Behind the Video – AMEX UNSTAGED
Taylor Swift Behind the Video – AMEX UNSTAGED
New Adventures Await in Alberta - Travel Alberta, Canada
Travel Alberta - 360 Degree Cinemagraphs
IAB New Ad Portfolio: Example of 360-Degree Image
IAB New Ad Portfolio: Example of VR 360-Degree Video
Converse, In Their Chucks – a Virtual Reality Experience
Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology |
World-first Live Streaming Virtual Reality Birth Using Samsung Gear VR
Digital Domain Holdings Limited and Immersive Media Form IM360; New Joint Venture to Create Leading-Edge Immersive Video Content and Services
United Nations Special Envoy for Malaria Announces the Social Media Envoy Group - World
Social media envoys to post and tweet for malaria control, UN official says
Can Social Media Help End Malaria? Let's Find Out...
Social Media Giants Unite to End Malaria
Insight & Strategy: Volvo, Live Tests