The New York Times collaborate with Google for virtual reality project – NYT VR – Lovely Mobile News

Reel II Real
New York Times' VR Work Wins Mobile Grand Prix at Cannes | Ad Age
The New York Times' VR Fare Nabs Cannes Mobile Lions Grand Prix - SHOOTonline
NYT VR (Cannes Lions Case Study)
NYT VR Wins Grand Prix for Mobile Lions at Cannes | The New York Times Company
Digital marketing case study - Virtual reality case study: New York Times takes news to a new generation - Digital Training Academy
Google Has Shipped Millions of Cardboard Virtual Reality Devices
Google has shipped 10M Cardboard VR viewers, 160M Cardboard app downloads | TechCrunch
Google Sold More than 5 million VR Cardboards in a Year. Here’s Why
Immersive Media Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Investors, Acquisition | PitchBook
bluemedia debuts Sky Projection at Super Bowl LIV
Super Bowl LIV Highlights
All-new Range Rover Sport Pikes Peak Driven Challenge Trailer
All-New Range Rover Sport challenges Pikes Peak: TV Advert
Range Rover Sport, Pikes Peak Driven Challenge
Taylor Swift Behind the Vision – AMEX UNSTAGED
Taylor Swift Behind the Video – AMEX UNSTAGED
Taylor Swift Behind the Video – AMEX UNSTAGED
New Adventures Await in Alberta - Travel Alberta, Canada
Travel Alberta - 360 Degree Cinemagraphs
IAB New Ad Portfolio: Example of 360-Degree Image
IAB New Ad Portfolio: Example of VR 360-Degree Video
Converse, In Their Chucks – a Virtual Reality Experience
Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology |
World-first Live Streaming Virtual Reality Birth Using Samsung Gear VR
Digital Domain Holdings Limited and Immersive Media Form IM360; New Joint Venture to Create Leading-Edge Immersive Video Content and Services
United Nations Special Envoy for Malaria Announces the Social Media Envoy Group - World
Social media envoys to post and tweet for malaria control, UN official says
Can Social Media Help End Malaria? Let's Find Out...
Social Media Giants Unite to End Malaria