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Predicting research trends with semantic and neural networks with an application in quantum physics | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Predicting research trends with semantic and neural networks with an application in quantum physics | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The vast and growing number of publications in all disciplines of science cannot be comprehended by a single human researcher. As a consequence, re...
Predicting research trends with semantic and neural networks with an application in quantum physics | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor
The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor
For the first time in the world, we succeeded in synthesizing the room-temperature superconductor ($T_c \ge 400$ K, 127$^\circ$C) working at ambient pressure with a modified lead-apatite (LK-99) structure. The superconductivity of LK-99 is proved with the Critical temperature ($T_c$), Zero-resistivity, Critical current ($I_c$), Critical magnetic field ($H_c$), and the Meissner effect. The superconductivity of LK-99 originates from minute structural distortion by a slight volume shrinkage (0.48 %), not by external factors such as temperature and pressure. The shrinkage is caused by Cu$^{2+}$ substitution of Pb$^{2+}$(2) ions in the insulating network of Pb(2)-phosphate and it generates the stress. It concurrently transfers to Pb(1) of the cylindrical column resulting in distortion of the cylindrical column interface, which creates superconducting quantum wells (SQWs) in the interface. The heat capacity results indicated that the new model is suitable for explaining the superconductivity of LK-99. The unique structure of LK-99 that allows the minute distorted structure to be maintained in the interfaces is the most important factor that LK-99 maintains and exhibits superconductivity at room temperatures and ambient pressure.
The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor
The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor
Quantum compression with classically simulatable circuits
Quantum compression with classically simulatable circuits
As we continue to find applications where the currently available noisy devices exhibit an advantage over their classical counterparts, the efficient use of quantum resources is highly desirable. The notion of quantum autoencoders was proposed as a way for the compression of quantum information to reduce resource requirements. Here, we present a strategy to design quantum autoencoders using evolutionary algorithms for transforming quantum information into lower-dimensional representations. We successfully demonstrate the initial applications of the algorithm for compressing different families of quantum states. In particular, we point out that using a restricted gate set in the algorithm allows for efficient simulation of the generated circuits. This approach opens the possibility of using classical logic to find low representations of quantum data, using fewer computational resources.
Quantum compression with classically simulatable circuits