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Seeing is Believing: Brain-Inspired Modular Training for Mechanistic Interpretability
Seeing is Believing: Brain-Inspired Modular Training for Mechanistic Interpretability
We introduce Brain-Inspired Modular Training (BIMT), a method for making neural networks more modular and interpretable. Inspired by brains, BIMT embeds neurons in a geometric space and augments the loss function with a cost proportional to the length of each neuron connection. We demonstrate that BIMT discovers useful modular neural networks for many simple tasks, revealing compositional structures in symbolic formulas, interpretable decision boundaries and features for classification, and mathematical structure in algorithmic datasets. The ability to directly see modules with the naked eye can complement current mechanistic interpretability strategies such as probes, interventions or staring at all weights.
Seeing is Believing: Brain-Inspired Modular Training for Mechanistic Interpretability
Generative AI: Implications and Applications for Education
Generative AI: Implications and Applications for Education
The launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 precipitated a panic among some educators while prompting qualified enthusiasm from others. Under the umbrella term Generative AI, ChatGPT is an example of a range of technologies for the delivery of computer-generated text, image, and other digitized media. This paper examines the implications for education of one generative AI technology, chatbots responding from large language models, or C-LLM. It reports on an application of a C-LLM to AI review and assessment of complex student work. In a concluding discussion, the paper explores the intrinsic limits of generative AI, bound as it is to language corpora and their textual representation through binary notation. Within these limits, we suggest the range of emerging and potential applications of Generative AI in education.
Generative AI: Implications and Applications for Education
The Ethics of AI in Games
The Ethics of AI in Games
Video games are one of the richest and most popular forms of human-computer interaction and, hence, their role is critical for our understanding of human behaviour and affect at a large scale. As artificial intelligence (AI) tools are gradually adopted by the game industry a series of ethical concerns arise. Such concerns, however, have so far not been extensively discussed in a video game context. Motivated by the lack of a comprehensive review of the ethics of AI as applied to games, we survey the current state of the art in this area and discuss ethical considerations of these systems from the holistic perspective of the affective loop. Through the components of this loop, we study the ethical challenges that AI faces in video game development. Elicitation highlights the ethical boundaries of artificially induced emotions; sensing showcases the trade-off between privacy and safe gaming spaces; and detection, as utilised during in-game adaptation, poses challenges to transparency and ownership. This paper calls for an open dialogue and action for the games of today and the virtual spaces of the future. By setting an appropriate framework we aim to protect users and to guide developers towards safer and better experiences for their customers.
The Ethics of AI in Games
Neurosymbolic AI and its Taxonomy: a survey
Neurosymbolic AI and its Taxonomy: a survey
Neurosymbolic AI deals with models that combine symbolic processing, like classic AI, and neural networks, as it's a very established area. These models are emerging as an effort toward Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by both exploring an alternative to just increasing datasets' and models' sizes and combining Learning over the data distribution, Reasoning on prior and learned knowledge, and by symbiotically using them. This survey investigates research papers in this area during recent years and brings classification and comparison between the presented models as well as applications.
Neurosymbolic AI and its Taxonomy: a survey
On the Security Risks of Knowledge Graph Reasoning
On the Security Risks of Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Knowledge graph reasoning (KGR) -- answering complex logical queries over large knowledge graphs -- represents an important artificial intelligence task, entailing a range of applications (e.g., cyber threat hunting). However, despite its surging popularity, the potential security risks of KGR are largely unexplored, which is concerning, given the increasing use of such capability in security-critical domains. This work represents a solid initial step towards bridging the striking gap. We systematize the security threats to KGR according to the adversary's objectives, knowledge, and attack vectors. Further, we present ROAR, a new class of attacks that instantiate a variety of such threats. Through empirical evaluation in representative use cases (e.g., medical decision support, cyber threat hunting, and commonsense reasoning), we demonstrate that ROAR is highly effective to mislead KGR to suggest pre-defined answers for target queries, yet with negligible impact on non-target ones. Finally, we explore potential countermeasures against ROAR, including filtering of potentially poisoning knowledge and training with adversarially augmented queries, which leads to several promising research directions.
On the Security Risks of Knowledge Graph Reasoning
AutoML-GPT: Automatic Machine Learning with GPT
AutoML-GPT: Automatic Machine Learning with GPT
AI tasks encompass a wide range of domains and fields. While numerous AI models have been designed for specific tasks and applications, they often require considerable human efforts in finding the right model architecture, optimization algorithm, and hyperparameters. Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT show remarkable capabilities in various aspects of reasoning, comprehension, and interaction. Consequently, we propose developing task-oriented prompts and automatically utilizing LLMs to automate the training pipeline. To implement this concept, we present the AutoML-GPT, which employs GPT as the bridge to diverse AI models and dynamically trains models with optimized hyperparameters. AutoML-GPT dynamically takes user requests from the model and data cards and composes the corresponding prompt paragraph. Ultimately, with this prompt paragraph, AutoML-GPT will automatically conduct the experiments from data processing to model architecture, hyperparameter tuning, and predicted training log. By leveraging {\ours}'s robust language capabilities and the available AI models, AutoML-GPT can tackle numerous intricate AI tasks across various tasks and datasets. This approach achieves remarkable results in computer vision, natural language processing, and other challenging areas. Extensive experiments and ablation studies demonstrate that our method can be general, effective, and beneficial for many AI tasks.
AutoML-GPT: Automatic Machine Learning with GPT
Dissecting Recall of Factual Associations in Auto-Regressive Language Models
Dissecting Recall of Factual Associations in Auto-Regressive Language Models
Transformer-based language models (LMs) are known to capture factual knowledge in their parameters. While previous work looked into where factual associations are stored, only little is known about how they are retrieved internally during inference. We investigate this question through the lens of information flow. Given a subject-relation query, we study how the model aggregates information about the subject and relation to predict the correct attribute. With interventions on attention edges, we first identify two critical points where information propagates to the prediction: one from the relation positions followed by another from the subject positions. Next, by analyzing the information at these points, we unveil a three-step internal mechanism for attribute extraction. First, the representation at the last-subject position goes through an enrichment process, driven by the early MLP sublayers, to encode many subject-related attributes. Second, information from the relation propagates to the prediction. Third, the prediction representation "queries" the enriched subject to extract the attribute. Perhaps surprisingly, this extraction is typically done via attention heads, which often encode subject-attribute mappings in their parameters. Overall, our findings introduce a comprehensive view of how factual associations are stored and extracted internally in LMs, facilitating future research on knowledge localization and editing.
Dissecting Recall of Factual Associations in Auto-Regressive Language Models
Co-Writing Screenplays and Theatre Scripts with Language Models: An Evaluation by Industry Professionals
Co-Writing Screenplays and Theatre Scripts with Language Models: An Evaluation by Industry Professionals
Language models are increasingly attracting interest from writers. However, such models lack long-range semantic coherence, limiting their usefulness for longform creative writing. We address this limitation by applying language models hierarchically, in a system we call Dramatron. By building structural context via prompt chaining, Dramatron can generate coherent scripts and screenplays complete with title, characters, story beats, location descriptions, and dialogue. We illustrate Dramatron's usefulness as an interactive co-creative system with a user study of 15 theatre and film industry professionals. Participants co-wrote theatre scripts and screenplays with Dramatron and engaged in open-ended interviews. We report critical reflections both from our interviewees and from independent reviewers who watched stagings of the works to illustrate how both Dramatron and hierarchical text generation could be useful for human-machine co-creativity. Finally, we discuss the suitability of Dramatron for co-creativity, ethical considerations -- including plagiarism and bias -- and participatory models for the design and deployment of such tools.
Co-Writing Screenplays and Theatre Scripts with Language Models: An Evaluation by Industry Professionals
Visual Attention Network
Visual Attention Network
While originally designed for natural language processing tasks, the self-attention mechanism has recently taken various computer vision areas by storm. However, the 2D nature of images brings three challenges for applying self-attention in computer vision. (1) Treating images as 1D sequences neglects their 2D structures. (2) The quadratic complexity is too expensive for high-resolution images. (3) It only captures spatial adaptability but ignores channel adaptability. In this paper, we propose a novel linear attention named large kernel attention (LKA) to enable self-adaptive and long-range correlations in self-attention while avoiding its shortcomings. Furthermore, we present a neural network based on LKA, namely Visual Attention Network (VAN). While extremely simple, VAN surpasses similar size vision transformers(ViTs) and convolutional neural networks(CNNs) in various tasks, including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation, pose estimation, etc. For example, VAN-B6 achieves 87.8% accuracy on ImageNet benchmark and set new state-of-the-art performance (58.2 PQ) for panoptic segmentation. Besides, VAN-B2 surpasses Swin-T 4% mIoU (50.1 vs. 46.1) for semantic segmentation on ADE20K benchmark, 2.6% AP (48.8 vs. 46.2) for object detection on COCO dataset. It provides a novel method and a simple yet strong baseline for the community. Code is available at
Visual Attention Network
Advanced Biophysical Model to Capture Channel Variability for EQS Capacitive HBC
Advanced Biophysical Model to Capture Channel Variability for EQS Capacitive HBC
Human Body Communication (HBC) has come up as a promising alternative to traditional radio frequency (RF) Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) technologies. This is essentially due to HBC providing a broadband communication channel with enhanced signal security in the physical layer due to lower radiation from the human body as compared to its RF counterparts. An in-depth understanding of the mechanism for the channel loss variability and associated biophysical model needs to be developed before EQS-HBC can be used more frequently in WBAN consumer and medical applications. Biophysical models characterizing the human body as a communication channel didn't exist in literature for a long time. Recent developments have shown models that capture the channel response for fixed transmitter and receiver positions on the human body. These biophysical models do not capture the variability in the HBC channel for varying positions of the devices with respect to the human body. In this study, we provide a detailed analysis of the change in path loss in a capacitive-HBC channel in the electroquasistatic (EQS) domain. Causes of channel loss variability namely: inter-device coupling and effects of fringe fields due to body's shadowing effects are investigated. FEM based simulation results are used to analyze the channel response of human body for different positions and sizes of the device which are further verified using measurement results to validate the developed biophysical model. Using the bio-physical model, we develop a closed form equation for the path loss in a capacitive HBC channel which is then analyzed as a function of the geometric properties of the device and the position with respect to the human body which will help pave the path towards future EQSHBC WBAN design.
Advanced Biophysical Model to Capture Channel Variability for EQS Capacitive HBC
X-Risk Analysis for AI Research
X-Risk Analysis for AI Research
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly improve society, but as with any powerful technology, it comes with heightened risks and responsibilities. Current AI research lacks a systematic discussion of how to manage long-tail risks from AI systems, including speculative long-term risks. Keeping in mind the potential benefits of AI, there is some concern that building ever more intelligent and powerful AI systems could eventually result in systems that are more powerful than us; some say this is like playing with fire and speculate that this could create existential risks (x-risks). To add precision and ground these discussions, we provide a guide for how to analyze AI x-risk, which consists of three parts: First, we review how systems can be made safer today, drawing on time-tested concepts from hazard analysis and systems safety that have been designed to steer large processes in safer directions. Next, we discuss strategies for having long-term impacts on the safety of future systems. Finally, we discuss a crucial concept in making AI systems safer by improving the balance between safety and general capabilities. We hope this document and the presented concepts and tools serve as a useful guide for understanding how to analyze AI x-risk.
X-Risk Analysis for AI Research
Dan Hendrycks on Twitter
Dan Hendrycks on Twitter
“More and more researchers think that building AIs smarter than us could pose existential risks. But what might these risks look like, and how can we manage them? We provide a guide to help analyze how research can reduce these risks. Paper: (🧵below)”
Dan Hendrycks on Twitter