GitHub - livepeer/Grant-Program: Livepeer Community Node Grants Program

GitHub - shivkanthb/Clubhouse-RN: Recreating the Clubhouse ui in React Native
GitHub - Elemental-IRCd/elemental-ircd: Continuation of ShadowIRCD to meet people's needs
GitHub - Xe/creators-code: A minimal alternative for other codes of conduct I have seen.
GitHub - PonyvilleFM/aura: Aura is the stream recording and announcement bot for PonyvilleFM's Discord server
GitHub - tavishcode/linkedin_analysis: Visualizing My LinkedIn Network using Tree Maps
GitHub - sskender/npo-dao: Proof of concept for running a nonprofit organization on Ethereum blockchain
investment-memos/ at main · rootvc/investment-memos
investment-memos/ at main · rootvc/investment-memos
tholman/tutorial-markdown: Interactive coding tutorials with markdown
mattdesl/ A visual exploration of Pilotpriest's 2016 album, TRANS.
GitHub - boringdesigners/boring-avatars: Boring avatars is a tiny JavaScript React library that generates custom, SVG-based, round avatars from any username and color palette.
GitHub - noskovvkirill/mirror_feed
♾️ Discuss Mindfulness Policy · Issue #10 · SecretDecks/Documentation
openFrameworks/examples at master · openframeworks/openFrameworks
GitHub - arusanov/avatar-generator: 8bit avatar generator. Inspired by
GitHub - XRFoundation/Blockchain-in-a-Box: A batteries-included ethereum blockchain for bootstrapping the Metaverse.🚀🚀🚀
GitHub - XRFoundation/XREngine: An end-to-end solution for hosting humans and AI in a virtual space, built on popular Javascript frameworks.
GitHub - aardvarkxr/aardvark: A platform for AR in VR
GitHub - whitegreen/GenerativeArt
GitHub - matveyco/8biticon: 8biticon picture generator. Create your own funny profile pics!
GitHub - PaulBatchelor/Kubus: Minimalist audio visualizer written in C/C++ using OpenGL and RtAudio
GitHub - logseq/awesome-logseq: Awesome Logseq resources created by the community
GitHub - LIT-Protocol/lit-js-sdk