Android text messaging spam apps turn phone into bot | BGR

How Drug Cartels Are Like Amazon And Google | Co.Design | business design
Oculus Rift: the future of virtual reality is here | The Verge
Make A Little You With | TechCrunch
World’s cheapest Android tablet: Datawind UbiSlate 7Ci costs £29.99 | BGR
What is the power of a story? And how do you use story telling in your sale
Google Ventures: $1.2B Under Management, 75 New Investments And 9 Exits In
Amazon will release original shows in 4K | The Verge
Galaxy S5 Specs: Quad HD display, Iris scanner among Galaxy S5 specs | BGR
‘Better Call Saul’ To Stream On Netflix
Samsung future gadget innovation key to maintaining profits | BGR
Comcast Will Spend Millions Developing And Promoting Khan Academy To Encour
Wait, Music Downloads Are Already Halfway to Obsolescence? |
The science of 'Her': we're going to start falling in love with our compute
Now everyone can create beautiful presentations on any device | deck
Deck, A Cloud-Based Presentation App From India, Raises $600K From Qualcomm
Fingerprinting trumps facial recognition for mobile marketers’ 2014 priorit
Mobile-Ad Revenue Explodes, Finally | Digital - Advertising Age
Beyoncé Shows How Social Media is Changing Marketing |
Google seeks brand advertising billions with YouTube
Emotional Intelligence Predicts Job Success: Do You Have It? | Fast Company
Tech Billionaires Spend Millions on 'Science Oscars' - Businessweek
Canadian Pension Funds vs. Private Equity in Buyout Battles - Businessweek
German Start-up “wywy” Raises $7 Million to Globalize Second-Screen Ads | B
What Smart Boards Do When Investors Knock - Michael Useem , and Dennis Care
Fighting Malaria With A Video And Game That Show The Nightmare Of The Disea
Oculus Rift Games, Virtual Porn May Cause Simulation Sickness
Facebook’s ‘Trending Unit’ coming soon as battle over social TV heats up -
Overcoming Feedback Phobia: Take the First Step - Jack Zenger , and Joseph
A lifelong cable hoarder cuts the cord and it’s a relief… kinda — Tech News