Virtual reality dating is here, and it's terrible

Peter Stormare on throwing squirrels and why Michael Bay is like the Americ
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Here's an incredible resource for free pdf TV scripts [both comedy and dram
A Redditor Archived Nearly 2 Million Gigabytes of Porn to Test Amazon’s ‘Un
What It Means When a Narcissist Says “I Love You” – Brain Articles
VR Central Control System | Kevin Lee | Pulse | LinkedIn
3D-Calculator and Stereoscopic computing
Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter Have a Surprising New Threat: Blockchain | I
In Defense of the Deck | Above the Crowd | By Bill Gurley
Verizon to start throttling all smartphone videos to 480p or 720p | Ars Tec
“Designed by Apple in California” chronicles 20 years of Apple design - App
Blockchain University
Qualcomm Unveils Depth Sensing Spectra Module Camera
Will AI Blur the Lines Between Physical and Virtual Reality?
AMD Releases Blockchain-Only Driver to Help You Make Money
Virtual Reality Gives Fans Real-Life Experience With NFL Team
Would you strap on a VR headset for hours? Creators are betting on it
The Math and Logic Behind Tokens ICOs – Fred Krueger – Medium
Microsoft's acquires Cycle Computing away from Amazon, Google - Business In
Call Of Duty Cofounder Is Using VR To Create The Meetings Of The Future
Ghost 1.0 - Product Hunt
New Virtual Reality Camera Shows Live 360-Degree View Of Saratoga's Paddock
Virtual Reality Recreates The Journey Of A Refugee
The Trip: A spin class that takes you on a virtual reality rollercoaster
Virtual Reality: Cost of viewing headsets goes down, number of experiences
Air France brings 3D movies onboard with virtual reality headsets
Monetizing VR: Turning magic into money via @VentureBeat
UPS is developing virtual reality tech to train its drivers