Old Mac Computers Upcycled Into Cozy Pet Beds [Pics] - PSFK

Shopify Raises $100 Million in Third Round of Financing - NYTimes.com
Two Years of Failure | LinkedIn
Three Reasons Why Your Resume Ends Up in the Discard Pile - CBS News
3 Ways the Magic of Dr. Seuss Can Help You Create Unforgettable Copy - Copy
Ooyala Raises $43 Million from Telstra for Web Video - Peter Kafka - Media
Vice Media Buys a Tech Company to Experiment With Content Distribution - NY
Home | Belly - Full of Rewards
They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano But When I Began To Play - Busine
Yahoo acquires QuikIO, yet another startup to add to its video team | Pando
Air Playit - Streaming Audio Video to iPhone, iPad, iPod Android over WiFi
Tonido | Run your own Personal Cloud
Plex - A Complete Media Solution
Engineer Guy shows how a phone accelerometer works, knows what's up and sid
Protected Content | ACTIVATIVE
Managing the Right Tension
Why Founders Fail: The Product CEO Paradox
Outside Insight
Startup valuation works infographic#
Brooklyn Night Bazaar: Now Year-Round—And More Than Just A (Very) Good Party
Robotics and Marine Life- Driven - MensJournal.com