TikTok settles children’s data lawsuit one day after it was filed

TikTok sued by Indiana over security and safety concerns
Layerzero labs
TikTok hit by US lawsuits over child safety, security fears
Backtrack | Time machine for meetings
Pinterest Predicts 2023
What Apple’s iCloud encryption update really means — and why you should care
Ideas That Changed My Life
Major Game Studios Still Aren’t Sold on NFTs
Exploring text-to-audio models to make music from scratch
Google’s Next Generation Music Recognition
Google's 'Sound Search' Is Now a Serious Threat to Shazam
The Story of Shazam: The Startup Days
Google’s new search function is like Shazam but for humming
Mesa School - Transform the Way You Work
Mesa Company
Amber Sterling
Discover Your Brand Personality - Brand Archetype Quiz
‘The metaverse will be our slow death!’ Is Facebook losing its $100bn gamble on virtual reality? | The metaverse | The Guardian
I Drove a Real-Life BMW M2 on a Virtual Racetrack and Survived
Goody for Business — Modern Gifting Platform
$1.3T Asset Manager Exploring Use Cases for NFTs
Kazm - The Web3 CRM
LGND Music
Breaking Down Brand Archetypes
Genius or Not: McDonald’s New Loyalty Scheme
Loyalty vs. Membership — What’s the Difference?
Nigeria bans ATM cash withdrawals over $225 a week to force use of CBDC