HBO launches its HBO Go app on Google's Chromecast streaming dongle | Tweak

P. Diddy Taps Into The Second Screen To Engage Music Lovers - PSFK
Shazam everything: a future full of ads and Shazaming [MEF] | memeburn
PlayStation 4 'will compete with second-screen market' - Media news - Media
Get the Strategy You Need -- Now - Michael Birshan, Martin Hirt , and Kurt
YouTube, with Nielsen Rating, Could Get Millions from TV Ad Buyers — But It
YouTube ‘ready for 4k’ | Advanced Television
adtech | CrunchBase
Vidiro Analytics - Driving Video Business Forward
Zencoder | Cloud Video Encoding/Transcoding Software as a Service
Zencoder | CrunchBase Profile
Streamworks International SA | CrunchBase Profile
VIDIRO | CrunchBase Profile
HeyWatch | CrunchBase Profile | CrunchBase Profile | CrunchBase Profile
HD Cloud | CrunchBase Profile
On2 Technologies | CrunchBase Profile
Disney brings on-demand services under ABC Studios banner / TBI Vision
HBO’s no-cable experiment goes nowhere: Netflix handily beats HBO Nordic in
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Pop Stars' Real Names
Episode 399: How AngelList is transforming startups & funding
Defend Your Research: Working Long Hours Used to Hurt Your Wages — Now It H
Automatic Link review: An elegant, data-driven way to track your rides
Veteran Mother Trio Splits for Austin to Start New Venture
First Alert sues Nest over smoke detector patents on voice alerts and vents