VR and cocktails: London is getting a virtual reality arcade

(1) Birthday Dinner Rendezvous
Simple Living Terri Counter Height Desk/Dining Table - Free Shipping Today - Overstock.com - 177076…
ÄPPLARÖ Table+2 benches, outdoor - Äpplarö brown stained/Hållö beige - IKEA
ÄPPLARÖ Bench with wall panel, outdoor - IKEA
ÄPPLARÖ Storage bench, outdoor - IKEA
SVALNÄS Wall-mounted workspace combination - IKEA
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This Empathetic Carnival Ride Slows Down If You Get Too Scared | Co.Design
HTC to Debut Netflix-Like VR Subscription Service | Fortune.com
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Nico Uthe on Vimeo
Adlens VR intro on Vimeo