What's a “Shark Tank” Appearance Worth? Top App Store Spot for Scan - Jason

In-Video Commenting and Tagging – Make Your Online Video Interactive, Socia
Viddler's New Tag-Based Advertising System | TechCrunch
Timed Comments: A conversation around your sounds - 101 on SoundCloud - Cre
Editorial: the new SoundCloud is optimized for listeners, not uploaders
The Highlight Blog
Lifelogging / Quantified Self | Lifestream Blog
Soup.me lands $530,000, lets you aggregate your digital life (or something)
Social Media App Banjo Aggregates All Your Tweets, Facebook Posts, Instagra
Video: 360-degree 'Running of the Bulls' courtesy of Volvo trucks
Don't Treat Your Career Marathon Like a Sprint - Scott Behson - Harvard Bus
New Years Eve By The Numbers
A Complex Business: Leadership in the Airline Industry | LinkedIn
Advisor | Powering Emerging Business
Advisor | Early Stage - Advisor
How Seven Cities Designed Surprisingly Great Websites
GroupM | The World's Leading Media Investment Management Operation
Why Everyone Wants to Be an Ad-Tech Company | Steve Rubel - Advertising Age
The Evolution of Ad Tech | MIT Technology Review
With Fortune 50 Clients and $1M in Revenue, Affectiva Proves Market for Me
The New Face Of AdTech Goes Consumer: Emotion Tracker Affectiva Gets $12M F
1K Studios’ New Prez Higgins Outlines Plans for Digital Growth : Media & En
Valve is the champion PC gaming deserves | GamesIndustry International
34% of millennials don’t watch any broadcast TV | Advanced Television
Amazon Is Courting YouTube Networks for Short-Video Push | Digital - Advert
U.S. cable companies should create Netflix rival: Malone | Reuters
Inbox | Messaging done right.
A portrait of billionaire Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, in tweets - Quart
Volvo releases latest live test, 'The Chase' | The Drum
‘Crush The Speed’ Warns Drivers to Slow Down via Smashed Cars, Has Nothing