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How a Relationship Dies on Facebook : The New Yorker
The TCP/IP Guide - TCP/IP Services and Client/Server Operation
MINI Boosts Brand Loyalty by Rewarding Its Customers in Real-time | Brandin
Best Drink Making And Bar Tending Apps: iPad/iPhone Apps AppGuide
RIP, social media managers—tweeting is everyone’s job now - Quartz
Apps Users WANT vs. Apps Users NEED – Part 2 – Go To Market & Launch : Scri
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Inspiring Entrepreneurs: Netflix CEO Reed Hastings
20 Tips to Make the Most of Your 20s | Ashley Crouch
Insight: In Silicon Valley start-up world, pedigree counts
Dlisted | Kristen Stewart Was Sold Off To A Middle Eastern Prince For Chari
Why TV will play a big role in Twitter’s IPO
Rethinking the Decision Factory
Adrenaline-Pumping Photos From Some of the World's Biggest Thrill-Seekers
Developer wake-up call: Shift from iOS 6 to iOS 7 is 'biggest since the original iPhone'
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360° in 3Ds Max with VRay – Pixelsonic – CGI, Visualization and Animation
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360 panorama in 3ds Max tutorial
Why The Paper Resume Isn't Dying Any - Business Insider
Sapient Appoints Silvia Lagnado to Board of Directors | BostInno
5 Phrases You Should Never Use In An Email | Fast Company | Business Inno
Flexibits | Fantastical for iPhone | The fast and friendly calendar app.
Future of StoryTelling
Conspiracy For Good
Yummi Media
UFC: Second-Screen Apps Help Create Informed and Engaged Fans
Disney's Second Screen Live asks moviegoers to bring their iPad this time (
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