Edward – Write your first novel

Literary Classics Come to Instagram With This Lovely New Project by the New
Sparrow Mart in Los Angeles
Watching a real urban planner play SimCity is incredibly satisfying
A VR-powered circus is opening its first (virtual) big top in Los Angeles
Digital Entertainment World Expo 2018: Panels for Mixed-Reality and LBE, AR
VR LBE — The Greatest Show On Earth? – Nigel McAlpine – Medium
What’s the Difference Between Deep Learning Training and Inference? | The O
Ways to think about machine learning — Benedict Evans
Two Bit Circus, The Carnival Painted With Pixels
Models Will Run the World - WSJ
Ballet Pop Up Kirigiami 3D Cards Handmade uniqe Birthday
A Layman’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Kin User Base Dwarfs All Ethereum DApps’ Activity Combined
How to Launch 6-month projects in 2 with better quality
From living on savings to grossing USD 72K in 2 months
Evidence is piling up that Facebook can incite racial violence
Car tech features that Volvo did first - CNET
What $1.2B In Funding Has Bought Slack So Far
This pint-sized portable projector has been deeply discounted on Amazon
It's official: Women's pockets too small for smartphones - CNET
The company behind the adorably doomed robot Kuri is shutting down
NASA might give SpaceX permission to do something nobody has ever done befo
Image Classification in the Browser with JavaScript
AI-powered software robots are getting into the sales business
Lush Greenery Fills Pixelated Openings and a Vertical Landscape in Jean Nou
Say “Aloha”: A closer look at Facebook’s voice ambitions
A Police Vehicle Add-On That Safely Ends Car Chases
Want Your Child to Be a High Achiever? This 47-Year Study Reveals 7 Things
Netflix is about to make a big change to the way you pay for streaming