The Inventor Behind a Rush of AI Copyright Suits Is Trying to Show His Bot Is Sentient
A Court Shot Down a Computer Scientist's Latest Attempt to Copyright an A.I.-Created Artwork in a Case That Has Big Implications for A.I. Artists | Artnet News
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It’s time for Human BEINGS to upgrade. ✨
How artificial intelligence will impact K–12 teachers
Organizations led by Artificial Intelligence.
Technology in education | Global Education Monitoring Report
Artificial intelligence in education | UNESCO
Axon Park - AI-Powered Interactive Education
Careers - Axon Park
Integrating Generative AI in Education: The UNESCO Roadmap - Axon Park
Generative Artificial Intelligence in education: What are the opportunities and challenges? | UNESCO
Adoption of AI in education is accelerating. Massive potential but big hurdles remain.
57+ Amazing Artificial Intelligence Statistics (2023)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - United States Department of State
“The term ‘artificial intelligence’ means a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations or decisions influencing real or virtual environments.” National artificial intelligence act of 2020
IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2022 | IBM
Tell me cults of influence!
Pixel Tracking: Definition, Risks and Impact on Digital Privacy
Apple says it prioritizes privacy. Experts say gaps remain
Meta Pixel’s Video Tracking Spurs Wave of Data Privacy Suits (1)
Kpmg global tech report
Meet The A-frame Club: A Series Of Prefabricated A-Frame Cabins In A Snowflake Pattern - Yanko Design
Exclusive: Microsoft opens AI Co-Innovation Lab in San Francisco to empower Bay Area startups
House F / Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
This West Village apartment is cleverly designed to maximise its 'open' concept - The Spaces
Beyond ChatGPT: NExT-GPT is an OpenSource Model That Lets You Master AI With Audio, Video and Text - Decrypt