0 Gamma Gulch, Pioneertown, CA 92268
0 Gods Way Love Rd, Pioneertown, CA 92268
Amazon is shutting down its charity program AmazonSmile
Check out this Google Bluetooth tracker concept with a totally (in)appropriate name
Florida Lottery Captures 'Smell of Success' in New Scent
Sundance draws CMO interest as execs rethink events amid new priorities | Ad Age
Gorilla Tag Made $26 Million In Revenue On App Lab
meet sweattent: a portable pop-up sauna that sets up anywhere in 3 min
Pavlov Visuals
Who Owns the Generative AI Platform? | Andreessen Horowitz
49965#wse detail 56220
DeepMind on Twitter
Twitter is reportedly struggling to break even as advertisers continue to flee
CoinQueens on Twitter
Cambrian Protocol - Project Description
Cambrian Protocol
Braindrop : a mixed-signal neuromorphic architecture with a dynamical systems-based programming model | WorldCat.org
Platform Life Sciences – Clinical Trials & CRO
missionX Professional project, portfolio and resource management
Plan to succeed!
Goodbrief: Get Unique Design Briefs
Documents | HubSpot
Case Studies – Hyperledger Foundation
Blockchain Asset Tracking of Norwegian Salmon: Keeping Food Safe and Secure | ONiO
ONiO.zero is a wireless and batteryless microcontroller with built-in sensors for temperature and tampering. Each chip has a UUID stored in a non-fungible memory (Yes, it does actually have that). This UUID is used as part of the transmission to the ledger.
Hyperledger Fabric – Hyperledger Foundation
Hyperledger – Open Source Blockchain Technologies
AI + IoT - A Force for Disruption | ONiO
How Microsoft can become the biggest winner of generative AI
A New Way to Launch NFTs ⛲