PeerCDN Acquired By Yahoo As It Builds Out Its Content Strategy | TechCrunc
The Three Pillars of a Teaming Culture - Amy C. Edmondson - Harvard Busines
DDB Canada, K-Y: Let’s Talk About Lubricant, Baby - AgencySpy
McLaren to replace windshield wipers with a force field of sound waves : te
Watch The Exact Moment Beyonce's Album Blew Up The Internet
BBC News - China's movie market to rival Hollywood
.. on imgfave
How the “internet of things” will replace the web – Quartz
Your Tight-Ass Skinny Jeans Almost Ruined U.S. Dollars
Apple's 64-bit A7 chip "hit us in the gut," says Qualcomm employee | iMore
The Incredible Story Of How A Reporter Helped An At-Risk Teenager Get Into
Android text messaging spam apps turn phone into bot | BGR
How Drug Cartels Are Like Amazon And Google | Co.Design | business design
Oculus Rift: the future of virtual reality is here | The Verge
Make A Little You With | TechCrunch
World’s cheapest Android tablet: Datawind UbiSlate 7Ci costs £29.99 | BGR
What is the power of a story? And how do you use story telling in your sale
Google Ventures: $1.2B Under Management, 75 New Investments And 9 Exits In
Amazon will release original shows in 4K | The Verge
Galaxy S5 Specs: Quad HD display, Iris scanner among Galaxy S5 specs | BGR
‘Better Call Saul’ To Stream On Netflix
Samsung future gadget innovation key to maintaining profits | BGR
Comcast Will Spend Millions Developing And Promoting Khan Academy To Encour
Wait, Music Downloads Are Already Halfway to Obsolescence? |
The science of 'Her': we're going to start falling in love with our compute
Canadian Pension Funds vs. Private Equity in Buyout Battles - Businessweek
German Start-up “wywy” Raises $7 Million to Globalize Second-Screen Ads | B
What Smart Boards Do When Investors Knock - Michael Useem , and Dennis Care
Oculus Rift Games, Virtual Porn May Cause Simulation Sickness