What are the odds of a perfect NCAA tournament bracket?
Yahoo Acquires Mobile Marketing Startup Sparq | TechCrunch
See Twitter’s Founders As Nesting Dolls By The Creator Of Fail Whale | Tech
Mindshare’s Johnston: News Feeds On Fridges Will Beckon Brands | Beet.TV
Chrome exploit lets websites keep listening after you close the tab | The V
Galaxy S4 Wireless Charging Cover: $55 OEM cover from Amazon | BGR
100 Famous Movie Quotes, Visualized | Co.Design | business design
Typost: Create personalized typography on iOS
Music startup breaks all the rules in Facebook advertising — and gets 397 c
Fake signs in London underground
Andreessen Horowitz Brings On Londoner Benedict Evans | TechCrunch
How Node.js is Going to Replace JavaScript — CSS Perverts — Medium
The Banner Has Been Unchanged for 18 Years. That’s the Issue. — Digital Adv
Ed Sheeran Plans To Take A Month Off After The Grammys
HTML5 Online Product Designer Tool with a Commercial License – Only $29 | I
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Fast T-Jet 2 Direct-to-Garment Printer | Equipment Zone
You Were Born to Sell: Dismantling the Myths of Self-Promotion - 99U
4 Lessons I Learned in the Shark Tank | Harley Finkelstein
Why Small Towns Are Boons for Small Business | Inc.com
For Pete's Sake, Brands, Stop Focusing on Viral | LinkedIn
6 E-Commerce Strategies to Steal From Amazon - CBS News
The Entrepreneur's Course Catalog | LinkedIn
Youthification. It's a Word Now. | LinkedIn
3 crucial questions businesses have to answer before adopting new technolog
6 Secrets to a Successful Sales Meeting | Entrepreneur.com
What Comes Next? Social Media Trends for 2014 | LinkedIn