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Small Actions Make Great Leaders
Small Actions Make Great Leaders
How can I bring out the best in myself and the best in others in the pursuit of our common positive purpose? Two, to achieve this intention, they seek to activate one or more of five energies in themselves and others: Purpose: A commitment to pursue a noble, uplifting cause. Wisdom: A calm receptivity to the truth — with all its nuances — in every situation. Growth: A continual striving to approach one’s full potential. Love: A fostering of warmth, understanding and connection. Self-realization: A stirring of the human spirit that lies at one’s core.  Three, they use simple actions to activate these energies in themselves and others. Julie, for instance, used five actions to activate wisdom, love, purpose and growth:   Disarm: She started by affirming some truth in what Gordon was saying — that the writing was not at his level.   Appreciate: She infused warmth in the interaction by appreciated Gordon for the quality of his writing.   Fuse opposites: While accepting that the writing in the paper was subpar, she observed that the research in it was excellent.  Appeal to values: She appealed to Gordon’s values by highlighting how the paper, when published, would have great impact on the scientific community.  Develop a growth partnership: She invited Gordon to help her grow as a writer.
Small Actions Make Great Leaders