Facebook's Custom Audiences can now help measure offline sales - Inside Fac
Google Android China analysis: crucial to evade censors | BGR
It's Nice That : Mixtape: Illustrator Edward Monaghan takes over this week'
Facebook app Bitstrips: More than 30M avatars and counting - Inside Faceboo
Whiskey As A Service In San Francisco: Instacart v. Lasso | TechCrunch
Bots Now Reportedly Account For 61.5% Of Website Visitors | TechCrunch
Mobile internet browsing traffic grew to 20% in November | BGR
I’ve Been Writing A Lot Lately, Just Not Here | paulgillin.com
DirecTV exploring streaming video options for 'millennial cord-cutters' | T
Microsoft Is Bringing Its BUILD Developer Event Back To San Francisco In Ap
Google patent attorney: USPTO job raises eyebrows | BGR
Google Street View has become 'the backbone' of Maps | The Verge
Oculus raises $75 million to jumpstart the virtual reality business | The V
Watch Z100 Jingle Ball Live Online From Madison Square Garden
Twitter reverts nearly all blocking changes after user uproar | The Verge
Ad Tech Startup TellApart Hits $100 Million Revenue Run Rate | TechCrunch
Why I’m Crowdfunding My Book | TechCrunch
Aereo Says “Bring It On” As Broadcasters Push Case Into The Supreme Court |
YouTube Opens Up Livestreaming And Google Hangouts on Air To All Verified
Aereo CEO and Cablevision Say Aereo Fight May Undermine Cloud Computing - T
Xaxis’ Hanlon: TV Is The Future Of Online Video Ads | Beet.TV
A la carte cable arrives at last… in Canada
What stops users from connecting with an app through Facebook? - Inside Fac
Foursquare Exec On Why Location Is The New Cookie - PSFK
Google's Control Room adds better audio and video management to Hangouts on
Twitter’s MoPub Fires Up An In-Stream Native Ad Product, Launches On Tango
Old Mac Computers Upcycled Into Cozy Pet Beds [Pics] - PSFK
Westjet Helps Santa Actually Deliver Presents To Unsuspecting Airline Passe
How Betaworks Used Data to Make Dots a Huge Hit | Digiday
Top 20 gadgets from the 1990s | BGR