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New year, new Z: Here's to welcoming the protocol's latest commitment to new market types, gas efficiency, finder's fees, modular architecture, DAOs, and ZORFs
The task manager for DAOs and decentralized work
EightBit | PREMINT
EightBit | PREMINT
What is EightBit? The OG 8-Bit avatar creator launched back in 2010. The app allows people to collect coins & other digital goods by checking into p…
EightBit | PREMINT
W&M Member Handbook
W&M Member Handbook
Hi there! We’re Water & Music, a newsletter and research DAO on a mission to empower the music industry with the knowledge, network and skills to do more collaborative, innovative and progressive work with technology.
W&M Member Handbook
Agile research: How we put together $STREAM Season 1 — Mirror
Agile research: How we put together $STREAM Season 1 — Mirror
Last month, we rolled out our first-ever collaborative report as a DAO — an in-depth, five-part syllabus on the state of music/Web3, assembled by over 40 contributors from our community.
Agile research: How we put together $STREAM Season 1 — Mirror
Music NFTs 101: an Artist-to-Artist guide — Mirror
Music NFTs 101: an Artist-to-Artist guide — Mirror
You may have been wondering what an NFT is, and more specifically, what a music NFT is. If you asked us one year ago, it’s likely none of us would’ve had any clue. Now looking back at 2021, we’ve seen music NFTs change the lives of artists in a myriad of ways.
Music NFTs 101: an Artist-to-Artist guide — Mirror
Introducing Snapshot X: our upcoming on-chain voting framework f… — Mirror
Introducing Snapshot X: our upcoming on-chain voting framework f… — Mirror
As you may have heard, we are working on Snapshot X (previously named StarkVote) in collaboration with the StarkWare team. This solution will improve Snapshot in many ways. This is the first in a series of posts that aim to explain and go through the upcoming solution.
Introducing Snapshot X: our upcoming on-chain voting framework f… — Mirror
In Response to My first impressions of web3
In Response to My first impressions of web3
This a response to Moxie Marlinspike’s “My First Impression of Web3” Both gave me a feeling for how the space works. To be clear, there is nothing particularly “distributed” about the apps themselves: they’re just normal react websites. The “distributedness” refers to where the state and the logic/permissions for updating the state lives: on the blockchain instead of in a “centralized” database. Just to clarify, this is what the author wanted to do.
In Response to My first impressions of web3
Fungible vs Non-Fungible Tokens – What is The Difference?
Fungible vs Non-Fungible Tokens – What is The Difference?
Today we are going to look into fungible vs Non-Fungible Tokens, aka NFTs, aka nifty. They burst into the mainstream with the sudden popularity of cryptokitties – a virtual cat collectible game. While the Ethereum-based ERC-721 remains the most popular NFT in the market, there are several projects out there, like RSK, that have produced their own collectible tokens. So, before we go into any of this, let’s do some background research. What is A Token? In real life, a token is a thing which serves as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc. you can
Fungible vs Non-Fungible Tokens – What is The Difference?
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