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A Proposal for the Ethereum Reality Service
A Proposal for the Ethereum Reality Service
A Proposal for the Ethereum Reality Service Authors: ccamrobertson, cadillion, ryanouyang, creeefs, digit, pmg, ramicaza Motivation Linking physical or “real world” assets with blockchain assets has been a long time goal of various protocols and projects, yet a standardized implementation remains elusive. Successfully doing so would have significant ramifications, unlocking significant collateral for on-chain purposes and enabling novel kinds of property with simultaneous virtual and physical...
A Proposal for the Ethereum Reality Service
A Cheaper and Greener Internet of Things With No Wires Attached
A Cheaper and Greener Internet of Things With No Wires Attached
Wirelessly powered large-area electronics could enable a cheaper and greener internet of things. Emerging forms of thin-film device technologies that rely on alternative semiconductor materials, such as printable organics, nanocarbon allotropes, and metal oxides, could contribute to a more econom
A Cheaper and Greener Internet of Things With No Wires Attached