How to get from high school math to cutting-edge ML/AI: a detailed 4-stage roadmap with links to the best learning resources that I’m aware of.··Sep 16, 2024How to get from high school math to cutting-edge ML/AI: a detailed 4-stage roadmap with links to the best learning resources that I’m aware of.
MIT releases comprehensive database of AI risks··Sep 16, 2024MIT releases comprehensive database of AI risks
Nintendo completely sat out the video game graphics wars. It’s winning anyway.··Sep 16, 2024Nintendo completely sat out the video game graphics wars. It’s winning anyway.
Neurodesign: the Science behind unforgettable experiences··Sep 16, 2024Neurodesign: the Science behind unforgettable experiences
Apple will let other digital wallets into Apple Pay, and even be the default··Sep 16, 2024Apple will let other digital wallets into Apple Pay, and even be the default
Peloton’s former billionaire CEO says he’s lost all his money and had to sell his possessions··Aug 28, 2024Peloton’s former billionaire CEO says he’s lost all his money and had to sell his possessions