4.1: Introduction to Static and Quasistatic Fields
An Introduction to Electroquasistatics Theory
Electroquasistatics is the branch of electromagnetics involving time-varying electric fields and currents. Get an intro to the theory behind this area of study here.
Ixana's Wi-R "Wire-Like Wireless" Aims to Put You in Touch With Your Tech's Comms — Literally
With a claimed hundredfold power efficiency gain over Bluetooth, Wi-R could bring about the Internet of Touch.
The Wi-R protocol relies on body for data communication, consumes up to 100x less than Bluetooth - CNX Software
The Wi-R protocol is a non-radiative near-field communication technology that uses Electro-Quasistatic (EQS) fields for communication enabling the body to
Ixana has developed the world’s first high-speed Wi-R silicon chip ready for customer sampling. Wi-R provides smart devices with the ability to securely communicate…
This Promising Wireless Technology Could Help Power the Future Metaverse
A new wireless technology that uses the human body as a conductor could help usher in a new generation of sleeker VR and AR devices.
Ixana: High-speed Human Computer Interation
Ixana: High-speed Human Computer Interaction
Augmenting humans with all-day, real-time, distributed AI on what you see,hear and sense