Cool Schools
VUB-onderzoek in kader van Europees onderzoeksproject COOLSCHOOLS
Een groene speelplaats? Natuurlijk!
Het inspiratieboek “Een groene speelplaats? Natuurlijk!” werd gelanceerd op 24 april 2024.
Dit boek bundelt verschillende succesvolle vergroeningsinitiatieven van Limburgse scholen.
Scholen die...
Webinar: Multiple Language Learning in Nature-Based Classrooms
Explore how educators and administrators can best support children in their language learning outdoors in this webinar on-demand.
Getting Out of the Classroom and Into Nature: A Systematic Review of Nature-Specific Outdoor Learning on School Children's Learning and Development
Background:The value of natural environments for developing children's self-identity and social skills has been known for some time, and more recently the potential of nature-specific (i.e., excluding built environments) outdoor learning for achieving academic outcomes has been explored. Connecting children with natural spaces has been shown to benefit their physical and mental health; however, the utility of nature-specific outdoor environments as a setting for curricular and non-curricular learning has yet to be clearly established. Our aim was to undertake a narrative synthesis of international evidence of nature-specific outdoor learning and its benefits for personal and social development, wellbeing and academic progress.MethodsThis systematic review searched publications between 2000 and 2020 in nine academic databases for evidence of socio-emotional and academic benefits of nature-specific outdoor learning in school-aged educational settings, using concise search criteria registered with PROSPERO. The total search results of 17,886 records were initially screened by title, and then two reviewers made blind reviews of the title and abstract of 1,019 records.Results147 original research studies meeting the criteria were identified. Learning settings ranged across outdoor adventure education, school gardens, field trips, and traditional school subjects taught in natural environments. Study characteristics were summarized, and risk-of-bias tools assessed quality of rese...
De bosklaskar
Groen doet goed, biodivers nog beter | Biodivers Zorggroen
Een natuurlijke en veilige tuin waar een evenwichtige symbiose bestaat tussen mensen, planten en dieren.
Natuur op school 2018
Inspiratiegids voor groene speelplaatsen (Vlaams Brabant)
Online cursussen Natuureducatie
IVN Nederland
‘Gewoon’ buiten spelen: buitengewoon voor de executieve functies?
‘Gewoon’ buiten spelen? Of is dat buitenspel toch niet zo onbeduidend, onbelangrijk of ‘gewoontjes’? Een aantal recente studies onderzoeken de link tussen buiten spelen en de ontwikkeli…
High-Quality Outdoor Learning
This open access book comprehensively highlights the benefits of outdoor teaching in assisting learners in environmental awareness
Teaching with the sky as a ceiling
A review about the significance of outdoor teaching for children's learning in compulsory school
Loose parts and flexible thinking
Ee journal summer 2017 online 1
Creating STEM Environments with Loose Parts
As I look around me, I see busy, contented children. Jimmy and Tali are seeing how high they can stack their rocks. Eve and Noa are creating a tea party for fairies near the sandbox. Eleanor and Sa…
Outdoor Education: from theory to practice
Outdoor Education experts, youth workers and trainers from Poland, Romania, Italy, Germany and Greece, on the basis of their experience and knowledge, prepared, tested and now share with you this book. We believe it will be useful for youth work, trainer practice and educators activities, and will bring a lot of inspiration and ideas.
Our Book has a specific structure to make it easier to navigate through and focus on parts that will be most often used in a daily practice.
Our aim was to create educational materials for youth, their educators and trainers, based on Outdoor Education, contributing to the improvement of the youth work quality, as well as directly to the development of competencies and skills the trainers and educators of youth have. Our project is also a chance to promote Outdoor Education approach in wider communities and encourage educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, non-formal groups to use this methodology in their regular work with youngsters.
Outdoor education – Wereldoriëntatie
Vives outdoor games
Theories & Models in Outdoor Education
Sometimes a tree grows too fast. It grows ahead of its roots. You need to allow time for the roots to take hold. (Anonymous saying about “life”)
About Outdoor Learning
“Outdoor Learning” or “Learning Outdoors”? What’s the Difference?
Let’s not split hairs. Let’s get our children outside and provide great learning experiences.
Outdoor learning a national guide for early childhood educators
School Ground Greening | Children and Nature Network
Global Lessons on Greening School Grounds & Outdoor Learning engages leaders on greening school grounds - increasing outdoor learning for kids.
Citizen science in de klas
In de inspiratiegids 'Citizen science in de klas' vind je als initiatiefnemer van citizen-scienceprojecten tips en tricks om met jouw onderzoek naar de klas te trekken.
CS in de klas - Obsidentify
Op bezoek bij Basisschool De Ritsheuvel, waar de leerlingen en leerkrachten als burgerwetenschappers aan de slag gingen met de ObsIdentify app van Natuurpunt...
De schooltuin stap voor stap werkelijkheid in een mum van tijd
Adding biodiverse elements to a play yard can enhance preschoolers’ immune systems - Children and Nature Network
Weer of geen weer, deze Amsterdamse juf is altijd buiten: "Buiten leer je ook met je hart en je handen"
Kinderen leren in klaslokalen, zo doen we het al jaren. Maar wat nou als kinderen buiten meer en beter leren? Juf Tine geeft buitenonderwijs.
The Salzburg Statement for Greening School Grounds & Outdoor Learning
Klimaatspeelplaats en BLES mochten meeschrijven aan de Verklaring van Salzburg over het belang van buiten leren en spelen in een groene omgeving. Deze verklaring dient als oproep naar de Verenigde …
B@seball | B@seball | Universiteit Antwerpen
Biodiversity at School Environments Benefits for ALL