Orange passe à l’écoconception sur le digital
Good practices in digital service ecodesign for software developers
Low-carbon website case studies — lowwwcarbon
Le baromètre du numérique | Arcep
An Attempt to Sort Out Digital Carbon Footprint Evaluations
Quelle est la police la plus économique et écologique ?
Collectif API Thinking
An Introduction to E-waste Policy
Study: Enough rare earth minerals to fuel green energy shift
Modeling the Power Consumption of a Computer Monitor
Is there a wave of green software legislation and standards coming our way?
Teaching Green and Sustainable Computing: Challenges and Ideas
Leave No Trace
Regulation is coming to the data centre sector - Intelligent Data Centres
Alter-design des interfaces | Limites numériques
Concevoir des services éco-responsables en alliant Design de Services et Eco-conception Numérique #ParisWeb #Green IT
Resilio Database
Data Centres Metered Electricity Consumption 2022 - CSO - Central Statistics Office
Pour une vraie sobriété, encadrons les data centers
Improving the accuracy of website carbon emissions estimates
What Can We Really Do About Spam?
Who's Responsible for Your Digital Carbon Footprint?
ChatGPT is enabling script kiddies to write functional malware
.eco is now carbon neutral
L'avion est-il vraiment le moyen de transport le plus polluant ?
Carbon-Aware Computing Whitepaper - How UBS succeeded in measuring and reducing carbon emissions of their core risk platform
Lean, green coding machine: How sustainable computing drive can reduce attack surfaces
Nudging grocery shoppers to buy planet-friendly alternatives
Business success with digital sustainability