Microjs: Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!
Accueil - Web Energy Archive
If we can do it, so can you: Start measuring your organisation’s carbon footprint
35f0ac1a clickclean2016 hires
Le Top 10 des mythes du numérique sobre
Cours développement durable (français).pdf
Les confs EcoInfo
Conf EcoInfo 3 février 2017 “Impact des logiciels sur l’environnement, quid de l’éco-conception ?”
Livre blanc
Note de synthèse numérique : version abrégée - Pôle Eco conception
How to set a Page Weight Budget for a greener, faster website
Quel est l'impact environnemental de notre consommation digitale ? | Welcome to the Jungle
Translucide - Eco-Conception de sites web à Nantes
L’éco-conception Web
La croissance d’Internet peut-elle être respectueuse de l’environnement ?
Links & Resources · Minimal Computing
Sustainable Web Design Community Group
Green Design vs. Sustainable Web Design – Some Data
What have we learned about Sustainable Web Design? – A summary of what to do…
How to Optimize Images for Your Site & Make Them Work on All Devices
Stupid Science: I compared 23 sticky notes to help you spare wallet and planet
All you need to know about whiteboard markers
A small change with a potentially big impact: the recycled Post-it.
writing to the void
How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage
Quel avenir pour les sites « low-tech » ?
Less Data Doesn't Mean a Lesser Experience - Web Performance Consulting